Nixa Theatre
Welcome to the Nixa Theatre Website
The Nixa Public Schools Theatre Department is driven by our mission statement: To inspire a love of humanity through creative growth and artistic experience. We share a vision for education where students are encouraged to take ownership of their education through the connections made cross-curricularly, personally, and socially in our classrooms. By focusing on connecting experiences to the curriculum through student inquiry, which arises from the real questions students have about the world they inhabit, and their place within it. This relationship to education requires a constant connection to one's community, country, and the world. A student involved in this type of education naturally and necessarily develops a love of humanity, an obligation to community, and a sense of their greater purpose.
Students benefit from an expansive and aligned selection of courses beginning with Theatre Arts I and Theatre Arts II at the junior high level. Then, the theatre department at the high school broadens in scope; offering students the opportunity to enroll in Drama, Acting, Advanced Acting, Theatre Production, Stagecraft, Dance, Costume/Props/Makeup, and Dual Credit Theatre. This robust list of classes allows ample opportunity for student learning to be impacted every day. Outside the classroom, the junior high produces one musical each year, while the high school theatre department produces two musicals and one play for the mainstage as well as participating in the competitive MSHAA theatre events of Reader’s Theatre and One Act Play. This combination of academic pursuit and authentic vocational practice provides an exceptional opportunity for student growth, and experience.
The Importance of Being Earnest
Dates: February 3-4, 6-8 at 7 p.m.
Ticket Prices: $15 for adults, $12 for students/seniors