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Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) Days

As our schools and teachers are planning virtual learning/snow days, we are focused on student grade levels and appropriate amounts of learning review and/or activities that will keep students engaged in learning while they are away from school.  Students are expected to participate in the learning review and/or activities that are sent home.  For K-6th students learning activities will be provided through paper packets, email, or ParentSquare. Our 7th through 12th grade students will receive learning review instructions through emails and Canvas.  Students needing paper packets also have that option.  Communication with teacher/s is the best way to make sure you have what you need to complete any learning activities or review lessons for the day.   

Time spent on learning activities and review are also determined based on the grade level of the student.  We want our students to have time during their day to complete their activities or review and also have time to enjoy their snow day.  If your child is sick, traveling, or can’t complete the work, please make sure you let your child’s teacher/s know.  Due to this day being counted as a school day, we are taking attendance and expect all students to participate.  Thank you for your support as we keep our students engaged and prepared for learning when they return for in-session school.  Our students, families, and district benefit from the time they are engaged and participating in our virtual learning/snow day learning activities.