Lead Testing
In 2022, Missouri Legislation took a step forward to reduce lead exposure in Missouri children by passing the Get the Lead out of School Drinking Water Act (Section 160.077, RSMo). This Act sets a new standard in Missouri for lead concentrations in school drinking water which is lower than the lead action level set nationally by the Environmental Protection Agency for public water systems. The Act requires schools to conduct inventory, sampling, remediation, and monitoring at all potable drinking water outlets used or potentially be used for drinking, food preparation, and cooking or cleaning utensils in a school building.
Lead Testing Results
Nixa Public Schools will post the results below as we receive them.
High Pointe, Century, Espy, JTSD, and Summit
Early Childhood and Faught Administration Center
JTSD, Summit, Espy, High Pointe, Century, Mathews, Inman, Nixa Junior High, Nixa High School, and SCORE
Early Childhood and Faught Administration Center