State of the Community FAQs
Please check back for additional updates to our frequently asked questions. Updated on October 23, 2024.
If you have any questions that were not answered below, please email us at
- Can I request a refund on tickets I've purchased?
- Have a dietary restriction?
- What will be served for dinner?
- How can I submit a question to the Community Leaders Panel Discussion?
- How can my business or organization become a sponsor?
- Is the video shown at the State of the Community going to be posted anywhere?
- Is there assigned seating and how many per table?
- Is there childcare provided during the event?
- What organizations are represented at the State of the Community?
- What should I wear to the State of the Community?
- Where can I get a ticket to the State of the Community?
- Who is participating in the Community Leaders Panel Discussion?
- Why is there limited capacity for this event?