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Federal Programs

Reauthorized in 2015 under Public Law 114-95 as Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), these programs were originally authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 (Public Law 89-10), the first major program of federal assistance to our nation’s public elementary and secondary schools. These programs assist Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to close the achievement gap with accountability, flexibility, and choice.

Nixa Public Schools receive funds through the federal government to supplement state and local funding. These federal funds are intended to provide support to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments.  

ESSA Complaint Procedures for Federal Programs


The district receives funds through the following programs:

Title I

Title I is a federally-funded, general education support program. The goal of Title One Reading is to provide extra reading help and instruction for struggling readers. Services include the provision of supplemental (pull out) and/or (push-in)  interventions that include reading interventions and support for grades K-4. Interventions include a variety of supports designed to meet the individual needs of students. Reading specialists have received formalized training in a variety of intervention models, including LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling), Reading Recovery, CIM (Comprehensive Intervention Model), Orton Gillingham comprehensive and vocabulary training, in addition to other training aligned to ongoing research in reading best practices. In addition to supplemental interventions, Title I provides instructional supplies and professional development.


Title I Resources


Title I District Building Links

Title II.A

The purpose of Title II.A is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and LEAs improve teacher and principal quality and ensure that all teachers are highly qualified. Because Title IIA was combined with the Class-Size Reduction grant, Title II.A funds may be used for both high-quality professional development and the hiring of supplemental highly qualified teachers to reduce class sizes. The district must demonstrate that they have met state minimum class size requirements prior to using Title II. A funds to further reduce class size.

Title III EL (English Learners) and Immigrant

The purpose of Title III, Part A, is to help ensure that children and youth who are limited English proficient, Native American and/or immigrants, attain English language proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same challenging state academic standards that all children are expected to meet.

Nixa Public Schools may use funds to:

develop high-quality language instruction educational programs
assist states, districts, and schools to build their capacity to establish, implement, and sustain language instruction and development programs
promote parental and community involvement
hold states, districts, and schools accountable for increases in English proficiency and core academic content knowledge of limited English proficient children by:
demonstrated improvements in the English proficiency of limited English proficient children each fiscal year; and
adequate yearly progress for limited English proficient children, including immigrant children and youth

Title IV, Part A

The purpose of Title IV. A is to improve students' academic achievement by increasing the capacity of states, LEAs (Local Education Agencies), schools, and local communities to:

  1. Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education.
  2. Improve school conditions for student learning.
  3. Improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.

Federal Programs Contact Information

Dr. Brigette Golmen

Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Federal Programs


address: 301 S. Main St., Nixa, MO  65714

phone: (417) 724-6240

fax: (417) 724-6201

Title III EL and Immigrant

Executive Director of Special Services

Title III Coordinator

Karen McKnight


phone: (417) 724-6260

fax: (417) 724-6259

Foster Care Liaison

Executive Director of Special Services

Karen McKnight


phone: (417) 724-6260

fax: (417) 724-6259

Homeless Children and Youths Liaison

Jenn Finke 

School Social Workers 

phone: 417-724-3608 (office)



Alternative: Dr. Ashley Copley, Director of Student Services 
