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Nixa Public Schools Parent Involvement Plan


Within the first four weeks of each school year, reading specialists within Title-funded buildings within Nixa Public Schools will hold a parent meeting to discuss the following information:

  1. Parents rights to be involved in their child’s participation in Title I programs
  2. Inform parents of various opportunities to be involved in meetings and workshops related to their child’s participation in Title I programs
  3. Give general information about Title I programs District-wide
  4. Give an explanation of the Annual Performance Report
  5. Review the previous year's Annual Parent Survey
  6. Review the current District Policy on Parent Involvement and its relationship to Title I programs
  7. Offer a date for the annual review of Title I programs meeting 
  8. Provide information on ESSA Complaint Procedures
  9. Celebrations


Title I teachers participate in fall and spring parent-teacher conferences. The teacher meets with the parents individually or within the classroom, with the classroom teacher present for input.

Ongoing Building Parent Involvement Activities

In an effort to meet the unique needs of each elementary school across the district, a variety of parent-involvement activities take place throughout the school year at both district-funded and Title-funded schools. These activities may include:

  • Bi-annual parent-teacher conferences
  • Additional conferences on an as-needed basis
  • PTO-sponsored family events
  • Various celebratory events
  • Music programs
  • Regular family newsletters
  • Progress communication
  • Quarterly grade cards
  • Parent orientation nights and Open Houses
  • Take home books to share with families (from classroom and school library)
  • Building and District Newsletters