2024-2025 Early Childhood Peer Model Handbook
Nixa Public Schools
Early Childhood Programs
Peer Model Handbook
Dr. Lara Wilbur - Principal
Early Childhood Center Office
- Program
- Philosophy/Goals/Curricular Objectives
- Enrollment
- Transportation
- Daily Sign-In
- Attendance
- Hours
- Orientation
- Supplies
- Student Security
- School Pay
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Discipline
- Health and Emergencies
- Safety
- Screenings
- School Closing/Early Dismissal/Late Start
- BlackBoard Connect
- QuickNews
- Grievance Procedures
- Food
- Clothing
- Parental Involvement
- Nixa Early Childhood Behavior Expectations Matrix
- Bullying Policy
- Notice of Non-Discrimination
- District Calendar
The Nixa Public Schools Early Childhood Program provides a quality and developmentally appropriate preschool education for children ages three to five. Each day’s session will include: teacher and self-directed activities. Developmentally appropriate activities will be used to ensure an appropriate readiness program to enhance educational success.
Philosophy/Goals/Curricular Objectives
The vision of Nixa Early Childhood is to nurture creative, confident, life-long learners with 21st century skills who explore their world through active discovery. The school communities will collaborate to provide differentiated instruction and learning in safe, supportive, and engaging environments.
We believe the foundation for learning includes the total development of the child. Our goal is to provide developmentally appropriate activities that meet the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual needs of the individual child. Believing that children learn through play, we plan our curriculum within a caring and creative environment. The curriculum is designed to enlarge the child’s repertoire of knowledge and skill, to increase self-confidence, and to promote curiosity and initiative. Weekly objectives are reflective of each individual child’s IEP goals and objectives. Children are encouraged to express themselves through creative art, dramatic play, storytelling, singing, and other hands-on activities.
The Peer Model Preschool Program is part of Nixa’s Early Childhood, specifically the Early Childhood Special Education program which serves preschool children with disabilities. The Peer Model Program provides typically developing children an opportunity to interact with same age peers who are receiving specialized instruction in a developmentally appropriate preschool classroom. Peer model students serve as Peer models and provide positive peer-interactions; demonstrate play skills, and model appropriate language and behavior. Enrollment is open to all children who are eligible to attend Nixa Public Schools and who will be age three to five. Eligibility is determined through the screening process and is based upon individual need and not on a first come, first serve basis. Students will be added even after the school year has started. All Peer model students are accepted on a trial basis and can be dismissed at any time if they have repeated behaviors, are not toilet trained, or staff recommends special education testing.
Requirements for Peer Model Students:
- Have good attendance including being on time for arrival and pick up. See our attendance policy on page
- Toilet trained – Students attending Nixa Early Childhood Peer model program must be fully day time toilet trained prior to the first day of classes. Students should be able to pull up and down clothing, and complete the bathroom routine independently. Three or more accidents in one quarter will be grounds for dismissal from the program for not being fully toilet trained.
- Should not display any kind of behaviors that would require staff to divert attention on a regular basis.
- Participate in the classroom routine with minimal prompting from staff
- Preschool eligible
Requirements for Parent(s) of Peer Model Students:
- Keep all information confidential that pertains to the students enrolled in the ECSE program and/or their families
- Provide transportation to and from school
- Complete Nixa School District enrollment
- Commit to having your child attend the program when it is in session
Parents will be responsible for providing transportation to and from the school. School bus services are not available for preschool students. Teachers will be available at curbside to receive students no more than five minutes prior to starting time. Teachers will load students into cars at curbside at the appropriate dismissal time.
All children must be picked up promptly. After all attempts to contact parents and emergency contacts have failed, a child who is not picked up by within 30 minutes of class dismissal will be considered abandoned. The Nixa Police Department and Division of Family Services will then be called. AFTER THREE LATE ARRIVALS OR PICKUPS, YOUR CHILD CAN BE DISMISSED FROM THE PROGRAM.
Daily Sign-In
Parents are asked to bring their child to the office if supervised drop-off personnel are not outside.
All visitors and guests to our buildings will be required to sign in using School Pass prior to entering the building. Parents will have their own QuickPins assigned to them. All other visitors and guests will be asked to present state-issued photo identification that will be scanned into our system to generate a visitor log. We have opted to implement this system so that we have a quicker and more efficient way of knowing who is present and not present in the building during emergency situations.
Regular attendance benefits both the children and our program. Placement will be reevaluated for students with excessive absences. Nixa Board Policy states eight days (A 3-hour session is considered a day at the preschool level) or the equivalent thereof will be the limit on absences per semester, and any absence more than eight days will be considered excessive. Excessive absences or late arrivals can lead to dismissal from the program.
Parents are asked to call the preschool office (417-724-6359) by 8:30 a.m. if their child will be absent for the morning session and by 12:30 p.m. for the afternoon session.
The Nixa Public Schools Peer Model program is a four-day-a-week program. There are two sessions daily; the first session will be from 8:15 a.m. to 11:15 p.m. The second session will be from 12:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. All children must be picked up promptly.
The Nixa Early Childhood Center follows the same calendar as the district, including inclement weather policies. A school calendar is attached.
Making a smooth transition into the preschool program is an important task for the preschool student and his/her family. Prior to the beginning of the school year, parents/guardians and students are invited to a Meet the Teacher event to see the classroom and discuss the schedule, curriculum, and procedures. The students are invited to come to meet the teacher with their parents during this time. This gives them the opportunity to become familiar with the surroundings and to place their supplies in their personal spaces, etc.
All preschool children should have one full-size backpack (with name) for transporting teacher/parent communication and student work to and from school. Please remember to check your child’s backpack for messages and work each day. If additional supplies are needed, a list will be sent home in the enrollment packet.
Student Security
If someone other than a custodial parent is picking up a preschool child, parents must inform the teacher or front office in writing before being picked up if they are not on the child’s approved pick-up list in Power School. Any person other than the parents picking up a preschool child should be reminded that the teacher or front office will ask for identification to ensure the child’s safety.
If there are any restrictions on the rights of a child’s non-custodial parent that pertain to his/her normal parent activities in the school, we must have court-ordered documentation on file.
The State Child Abuse/Neglect law mandates certain professions (mandated reporters) to make a report to the Missouri Division of Family Services when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been or may be subjected to abuse of neglect. All employees or school officials who know or have reasonable cause to suspect child abuse shall immediately report the suspected abuse to the principal or to the Children’s Division, formally referred to as DFS, hotline pursuant to state law as detailed in Policy GBH.
School Pay
SchoolPay is an online payment system where fees, dues, fines, and other payment items (tuition, lunch, t-shirts, etc.) will be located so you can pay for items online in a shopping-cart style menu instead of multiple checks and cash being given to multiple places. What you need to do is set up your account so you will have access to all of the items when they come available. If not, please contact the Nixa Early Childhood offices to obtain your child's Student ID if you don't already have it on other documentation from the school.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
When children are engaged in developmentally appropriate activities, few discipline problems will occur. However, when children do behave inappropriately, the staff will intervene with constructive solutions. Primary methods of discipline are intervention and redirection. Praise and positive reinforcement of good behavior are consistently used with all children as methods to build the child’s self-esteem and encourage self-control. Conflict resolution will be used with all of the children when necessary. Parents will be notified on a regular basis concerning their child’s behavior and social development. No person employed by or volunteering on behalf of Nixa Public Schools shall administer or cause to be administered corporal punishment upon a student attending district schools (Policy JGA).
Peer model students should not display any kind of behaviors that would require staff to divert attention on a repeated basis.
Health and Emergencies
Students attending Nixa Early Childhood’s Peer model programs must be fully day time toilet trained prior to the first day of classes. Students should be able to pull up and down clothing, and complete the bathroom routine independently. Three or more accidents in one quarter will be grounds for dismissal from the program for not being fully toilet trained.
A copy of the child’s immunization record must be on file by the beginning of the first day of arrival for the preschool program.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices allows a 4-day grace period. Students in all grade levels may receive immunizations up to four days before the due date.
For children beginning kindergarten during or after the 2003-04 school year, required immunizations should be administered according to the current Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Schedule, including all spacing, (http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/index.html).
To remain in school, students "in progress" must have an Immunization In Progress form (Imm.P.14), which includes the appointment date for needed immunizations, on file and must receive immunizations as soon as they become due. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/index.html
In progress means that a child has begun the vaccine series and has an appointment for the next dose. This appointment must be kept and an updated record provided to the school. If the appointment is not kept, the child is no longer in progress and is noncompliant. (i.e., Hep B vaccine series was started but the child is not yet eligible to receive the next dose in the series.)
Religious (Imm.P.11A) and Medical (Imm.P.12) exemptions are allowed. The appropriate exemption card must be on file. Unimmunized children are subject to exclusion from school when outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases occur.
A full-time nurse will be available to assist with your child’s health needs. If a child becomes ill or injured after arriving at the preschool, the parent will be notified. If a child needs immediate medical attention, the parent and the child’s physician will be called. The teacher will notify the parents of all known minor injuries or possible symptoms of illness.
Children will be observed for signs of contagious disease or illness, not only upon arrival, but all throughout each session. Children who are suspected of being ill will not be accepted for preschool that day.
- If children exhibit any of the following symptoms, they must be sent home:
- Diarrhea—more than one abnormally loose stool
- Severe coughing—if the child gets red or blue in the face or makes high-pitched croup or whooping sounds after coughing
- Headache and stiff neck
- Difficulty breathing or rapid breathing
- Yellow skin or eyes
- Pinkeye—tears, redness of eyelid lining, irritation followed by swelling or discharge of pus
- Unusual spots or rashes
- Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
- An infected skin patch –crusty, bright yellow, dry, or gummy areas of the skin
- Fever over a hundred degrees Fahrenheit by mouth or ninety-nine degrees Fahrenheit under the arm. Fever-reducing medications will not be administered so a child can remain at the center while ill.
- Vomiting
- Presence of live head lice.
- See Student Handbook for additional information about school policies regarding health and illnesses.
- In order to return to the preschool program after illness, a child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of Tylenol or Ibuprofen. If questionable symptoms are present, a note must be obtained from a licensed physician stating that the child is free from contagion and able to participate in center activities.
- Any medication to be given should be given to the school nurse in the original container. A medication form must be completed by the parent and given to the nurse.
- Parents must notify the center if their child has any allergies, especially food allergies.
- If the child is well enough to come to preschool, we will assume that the child is well enough to participate in all regular activities, both inside and outside.Restrictions related to medical conditions should be verified by a doctor's note.
- Parents must notify the center when their child has been diagnosed with or exposed to any communicable disease so that other parents may be informed to observe their child for symptoms.
Vision and hearing screening will be conducted annually in pre-kindergarten. Dental screenings will be conducted annually as resources are available. Screenings will also be conducted upon written request by parent/guardian. Parents who wish their child(ren) to be excused from any screening should inform the school nurse in writing.
School Closing/Early Dismissal/Late Start
In case of inclement weather or other emergency situations, announcements of school closings will be made through the use of our Nixa Schools App, Blackboard Connect and QuickNews in addition to information being posted on Facebook (www.facebook.com/nixapublicschools) and Twitter (@nixaschools). Information will also be supplied to local television stations, radio stations, and other news outlets. As soon as a decision is made, the media will be notified. Additionally, our school website can be accessed for school closing information or other important information at http://www.nixapublicschools.net. Please check the district website or social media outlets for information rather than calling the school. The school phone lines need to be kept open for emergency purposes.
If school is dismissed early, all efforts will be made to notify parents through the methods listed above. Parents should have arrangements made each school year for emergency-type situations. These arrangements should be discussed with your child/children so they will know what to do.
If school is announced as a late start, morning session students will come to school two hours later than the usual start time. Buses will not run for the morning ECSE session on late start days.
BlackBoard Connect
Blackboard connect is a web-based rapid communication service that allows schools to contact thousands of parents within minutes. Nixa Public Schools has implemented Blackboard Connect to substantially improve its ongoing communication with parents. This service is only available to parents of children in the Nixa School District.
Blackboard Connect allows school administrators to keep parents updated quickly and efficiently with personalized messages and helps parents stay actively involved in their child’s education.
Blackboard Connect has the ability to:
- Reach thousands of parents per minute
- Send notifications even when school phone lines are down
- Inform parents the very morning of a child’s absence from school
- Rapidly deliver first-hand information during a crisis situation
Parents will receive two different types of calls from schools:
- Routine notification calls do not directly affect the safety of students, staff, or parents. These calls include upcoming events, delayed school bus routes and absenteeism. These messages display the school’s phone number on caller ID.
- Emergency notification calls are used during critical incidents where a child, staff member or parent’s safety is in immediate jeopardy. These calls include lockdowns, evacuations, and relocations. Emergency messages display “411” on caller ID so parents recognize the urgency of the call.
If you miss an Blackboard Connect message, go to www.blackboardconnectmessage.com to access recent messages sent to your phone.
QuickNews is the district’s weekly e-newsletter that is sent out to all members of the community who sign up. This service is delivered by e-mail and includes updates for events across the district as well as news items in the district. Sign up for QuickNews on the District’s homepage at http://www.nixapublicschools.net.
Grievance Procedures
School Board Policy JFH states: Alleged acts of unfairness or any decision made by school personnel, except as otherwise provided for under student suspension and expulsion, which students and/or parents/guardians believe to be unjust or in violation of pertinent policies of the Board or individual school rules, may be appealed to the school principal or a designated representative.
The following guidelines are established for the presentation of student complaints and grievances:
The principals shall schedule a conference with the student and any staff members involved to attempt to resolve the problem. Parents/Guardians may be involved in the conference, or a later conference for parents/guardians may be scheduled at the discretion of the principal.
If the problem is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student and/or parents/guardians, a request may be submitted for a conference with the superintendent of schools. The superintendent shall arrange a conference to consider the problem and to inform participants of the action that will be taken.
If the student and/or parents/guardians are not satisfied with the action of the superintendent, they may submit a written request to appear before the Board of Education. Unless required by law, a hearing will be at the discretion of the Board. The decision of the Board shall be final.
All persons are assured that they may utilize this procedure without reprisal.
If parents choose to provide a snack, please be advised that all snacks must be from the approved snack foods list and drinks should be 100% real juice (commercially prepared) or milk. It is the parents’ responsibility to inform the teacher/nurse of any dietary concerns. School lunch will be available.
On the first day of attendance, parents should bring a complete change of clothing (including socks) in a Ziploc bag to be kept at the preschool. Spills and accidents do happen and a change of clothes can come in handy. Dirty clothes will be sent home in a plastic bag to be washed with a new set of clothes to be sent back the following day.
Children should be dressed in play clothes. They will be playing and working on the floor, outside, and with some art materials that might stain. Children will be much more comfortable in clothing that allows freedom of movement and that they do not have to worry about getting dirty. Children should be dressed for the weather, as there will be outdoor play whenever possible. Children should also have shoes that they can run, climb, and play in without worrying about slipping or falling.
Parental Involvement
Our primary goal is to provide your child with the best available preschool experience. In order to achieve that goal, your involvement as a parent will be actively encouraged. We recognize and appreciate the trust and confidence you have placed in us and offer you the opportunity to share in the joys of learning to play and work in the school setting. Laughter, hugs, sharing, and discovery are what “being a child” is all about. Your participation as a partner in your child’s learning will be a positive experience for us all. A strong partnership between the Nixa Public Schools Early Childhood Program and parents is of primary importance to the healthy development of the children. A key factor in this partnership is communication. Teachers will provide communication to parents through notes, newsletters, phone calls, and parent/teacher conferences. We encourage parents to allow time to visit with teachers on a regular basis. Parent involvement will serve to strengthen our program. We invite every parent to find meaningful opportunities to participate. If parents have a question or concern about their child or the program, we encourage them to go to the teacher/principal to express their concerns so they can be addressed.
Nixa Early Childhood Behavior Expectations Matrix
Be Safe
- All Settings:
- Use walking feet
- Keep hands and feet to self
- Cover your cough with your elbow
- Classroom:
- Each teacher defines rules based on:
- Be Safe
- Be Kind
- Be Responsible
- Each teacher defines rules based on:
- Bathroom:
- Wash hands with soap and water
- Keep water in sinks
- Put paper towels in trash cans
- Playground:
- Go down slide on bottom; feet first
- Bottoms in swings
- Rocks stay on the ground
- Helmets required for bike/cart riding
- Meal Time:
- Push Chairs in
- Bottoms on chair
- Walks Ways:
- Stay with an adult
- Stay on walkways
- Ask before touching
- Bus/Van/Car Line:
- Wait for teacher dismissal
- Keep/put seatbelts on
- Keep back to seat
Be Kind
- All Settings:
- Share with others
- Use nice words
- Use inside voice
- Bathroom:
- Give others Privacy
- Knock before entering
- Playground:
- Let others play
- Take turns
- Mealtime:
- Chew with mouth closed
- Walkways:
- Smile at others
- Leave plants for others to see
- Van/Bus/Car Line:
- Thank the driver
Be Responsible
- All settings:
- Use your words
- Use listening ears
- Follow directions
- Clean up
- Bathrooms:
- Flush toilet
- turn off water
- Playground:
- Use equipment correctly
- Line up when the whistle blows
- Mealtime:
- Keep food on plate/napkin
- Eat only your food
- Walkways:
- Stay in line
- Clean up
- Van/Bus/Car Line:
- Make sure you have your belongings
Bullying Policy
In order to promote a safe learning environment for all students, the Nixa Public Schools prohibits all forms of bullying. The district also prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports an act of bullying among or against students.
- Bullying – In accordance with state law, bullying is defined as intimidation, unwanted aggressive behavior, or harassment that is repetitive or is substantially likely to be repeated and causes a reasonable student to fear for his or her physical safety or property; that substantially interferes with the educational performance, opportunities or benefits of any student without exception; or that substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school. Bullying includes, but is not limited to: physical actions, including violence, gestures, theft, or property damage; oral, written, or electronic communication, including name-calling, put-downs, extortion, or threats; or threats of reprisal or retaliation for reporting such acts.
- Cyberbullying – A form of bullying committed by transmission of a communication including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound or image by means of an electronic device including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone or other wireless communication device, computer or pager. The district has jurisdiction over cyberbullying that uses the district's technology resources or that originates on district property, at a district activity or on district transportation. Even when cyberbullying does not involve district property, activities or technology resources, the district will impose consequences and discipline for those who engage in cyberbullying if there is a sufficient nexus to the educational environment, the behavior materially and substantially disrupts the educational environment, the communication involves a threat as defined by law, or the district is otherwise allowed by law to address the behavior.
- School Day – A day on the school calendar when students are required to attend school.
Designated Officials
The principal of each building is hereby designated as the individual to receive and investigate reports of bullying. Each building principal shall designate at least two teachers or administrators in the building who are authorized to receive and investigate reports of bullying in the principal's absence or at the principal's discretion.
The district compliance officer appointed in policy AC will serve as the districtwide antibullying coordinator. The antibullying coordinator will receive all completed investigative reports from all buildings and analyze the reports to identify any information that would inform the district's antidiscrimination and antibullying education and training programs. In addition, the antibullying coordinator will assist in making any relevant reports as required by state and federal law.
Reporting Bullying
School employees, substitutes or volunteers are expected to intervene to prevent student bullying, appropriately discipline the perpetrator, assist the victim and report the incident to the building principal or designee for further investigation and action. Any school employee, substitute or volunteer who witnesses or has firsthand knowledge of bullying of a student must report the incident to the building principal or designee as soon as possible, but no later than two school days after the incident.
Students who have been subjected to bullying, or who have witnessed or have knowledge of bullying, are encouraged to promptly report such incidents to a school employee. Any school employee receiving such a report shall promptly transmit the report to the building principal or designee.
If the bullying incident involves students from more than one district building, the report should be made to the principal or designee of the building in which the incident took place or, if more appropriate, to the principal or designee of the building attended by the majority of the participants in the incident.
Within two school days of receiving a report of bullying, the principal or designee will initiate an investigation of the incident. Reports that involve students from multiple buildings will be investigated cooperatively by the principals of each building involved, or those principals may request that the district's compliance officer designated in policy AC conduct the investigation. If at any time during the investigation the principal determines that the bullying involves illegal discrimination, harassment or retaliation as described in policy AC, the principal will report the incident to the compliance officer designated in that policy, who will assist in the investigation. If the alleged bullying involves a special education student or a student with disabilities, the principal will also notify the special education director.
The investigation shall be completed within ten school days of the date the report of bullying was received unless good cause exists to extend the investigation. Upon completion of the investigation, the principal will decide whether bullying or harassment occurred and, if so, whether additional discipline is warranted in accordance with the district's student discipline code. The principal will generate a written report of the investigation and findings and send a copy of the completed report to the district's antibullying coordinator. The principal or designee will document the report in the files of the victim and the alleged or actual perpetrator of bullying. All reports will be kept confidential in accordance with state and federal law.
If the incident involved allegations of illegal discrimination or harassment, the principal's decision may be appealed in accordance with policy AC. Student discipline may be appealed when allowed by law in accordance with Board policy.
The principal or other appropriate district staff will work with victims and their families to access resources and services to help them deal with any negative effects that resulted from the incident.
Students who participate in bullying or who retaliate against anyone who reports bullying will be disciplined in accordance with the district's discipline code. Such discipline may include detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, expulsion, removal from participation in activities, exclusion from honors and awards, and other consequences deemed appropriate by the principal or superintendent. The district will also contact law enforcement when required by law or notify social media companies of inappropriate online activity when appropriate.
Even in situations where the district does not have jurisdiction to discipline a student for bullying, such as when the acts take place off campus and there is an insufficient nexus to the district, the principal or designee will take appropriate actions to assist student victims. Such actions may include, but are not limited to, contacting the parents/guardians of the victim and the alleged perpetrators, communicating that this behavior is not allowed on district grounds or at district activities, notifying the appropriate district staff to assist the victim, and taking additional action when appropriate, such as notifying law enforcement or social media companies of inappropriate online activity.
District employees and substitutes who violate this policy will be disciplined or terminated.
Discipline may include suspension with or without pay, a negative evaluation, prohibition from being on district property or at district activities, mandated training or other appropriate remedial action. Volunteers who violate this policy will no longer be permitted to volunteer.
Policy Publication
The district shall annually notify students, parents/guardians, district employees, substitutes and volunteers about this policy and the district's prohibition against bullying. A copy of this policy shall be included in student handbooks and posted on the district's website.
Training and Education
The district's antibullying coordinator will provide information and appropriate training designed to assist employees, substitutes and volunteers who have significant contact with students in identifying, preventing and responding to incidents of bullying.
The district will provide education and information about bullying and this policy to students every year. The principal of each school, in consultation with school counselors and other appropriate school employees, will determine the best methods for facilitating the discussion. Methods may include, but are not limited to: assemblies; homeroom presentations; class meetings; team or club meetings; special presentations by counselors, social workers or mental health professionals; and open-house events. When practical, parents/guardians will be invited to attend.
In addition to educating students about the content of this policy, the district will inform students of:
- The procedure for reporting bullying.
- The harmful effects of bullying.
- Any initiatives the school or district has created to address bullying, including student peer-to- peer initiatives.
- The consequences for those who participate in bullying or engage in reprisal or retaliation against those who report bullying.
School counselors, social workers, mental health professionals, school psychologists or other appropriate district staff will educate students who are victims of bullying about how to overcome the negative effects of bullying including, but not limited to:
- Cultivating the student's self-worth and self-esteem.
- Teaching the student to defend him- or herself assertively and effectively without violence.
- Helping the student develop social skills.
- Encouraging the student to develop an internal locus of control.
Additional School Programs and Resources
The Board directs the superintendent or designee to implement programs and other initiatives to address bullying, respond to such conduct in a manner that does not stigmatize the victim, and make resources or referrals available to victims of bullying. Such initiatives may include educating parents/guardians and families on bullying prevention and resources.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
As a political subdivision, employer, recipient of federal funds and educational institution, the Board of Education is prohibited from, and hereby declares a policy against, engaging in unlawful discrimination, including harassment creating a hostile environment, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, age or use of leave protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act, in its programs, activities, and with regard to employment. The Board is an equal opportunity employer.
Any person having inquiries, including persons with impaired vision or hearing can obtain information as to the existence and location of services, activities, and facilities that are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities by contacting the Executive Director of Special Services, 301 S. Main, Nixa, MO 65714,KarenMcnight@nixaschools.net, (417) 724-6260 or the Sodexo Facilities Director,RobertKlug@nixaschools.net, (417) 724-6392 Questions concerning the Nixa Public Schools’ compliance with regulations implementing Title II of the Americans Disabilities Act, Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, or Equal Opportunity Employment is directed to contact the following designated coordinators:
Equal Opportunity Employment – Mark McGehee, Faught Administration Center,
Title VI and Title IX – Mark McGehee, Faught Administration Center, 417-724-6270
Section 504 – Michelle Miller 417-724-6275
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) –Karen McKnight, Faught Administration Center, 417-724-6260 and
Robert Klug, Sodexo, 417 724-6392
Homeless Liaison – Jenn Finke, 417-839-2936