2024-2025 JTSD Handbook
Dear Parent/Caregiver:
On behalf of the faculty and staff of the Nixa Public Schools, we would like to welcome you to a new school year. We are pleased that your family will be a part of an exciting new year.
This handbook contains information concerning rules, regulations, procedures, and an explanation of services offered in our elementary schools. Please spend some time acquainting yourself and your child with this information. Feel free to contact your child’s teacher or principal with any questions you may have.
We encourage you to take an active role in the education of your child. Through hard work, cooperation, and involvement, our students will achieve success in their educational endeavors.
Mrs. Liz Gredell- Principal, John Thomas School of Discovery
Ryan Mahn - Assistant Principal, John Thomas School of Discovery
- District Mission Statement
- JTSD Mission Statement
- Acceptable Internet Use Policy
- Arrival Time At School
- Attendance
- Extended Learning Time
- Bullying and Hazing
- Notice of Non-Discrimination
- Displayed Work of Special Services Students
- Bus Regulations
- Cafeteria
- Conferences
- Directory Information
- STEAM Leadership Matrix
- Discipline
- Discipline Matrix for K-6 - Major Offenses
- Personal Electronic Devices
- Student Dress Code
- FERPA (The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
- Field Trips
- Flowers/Balloons
- Fundraising
- Grade Cards/Progress Reports
- Statewide Assessments
- Health Services
- Immunizations
- Insurance
- Records
- Residency
- Safety
- School Cancellations/Delayed Starts/Early Outs
- Rapid Notification System
- QuickNews
- Screenings
- Programs for Students With Disabilities/Special Needs
- Snacks
- Textbooks
- Transportation
- Visitors
- Volunteers
- Withdrawing From School
- 2024-2025 District Calendar
- Virtual Learning
- CONNECTED Policies and Procedures
- Parent PL 114-95
District Mission Statement
The mission of Nixa Public Schools, dedicated to our legacy of excellence, is to ensure all students achieve maximum potential and graduate with the knowledge, skills and character necessary to succeed as productive, informed, and engaged citizens in a diverse society by providing a quality, comprehensive, world-class education in a safe and secure learning environment.
JTSD Mission Statement
Acceptable Internet Use Policy
Use of the Internet is a part of instruction in both the regular classroom and the computer lab. Teachers maintain control of Internet sites, and students are informed of procedures and restrictions when using the Internet. Failure to follow proper use procedures may result in disciplinary action for the student (see School Board Policy EHB and EHB-R). A copy of the JTSD Technology Usage is provided to each student at the time of registration. Opportunity for a parent to deny their child access to the Internet in writing will be made available.
Arrival Time At School
On Tuesday through Friday, students should not arrive at school earlier than 8:10 a.m. with school starting at 8:30 am unless special arrangements have been made through the XLT program. On Monday, students should not arrive before 8:40 am because school will start at 9:00 am to provide time for teacher collaboration. School end time M-F is 3:35 pm. Please contact your child’s teacher for additional information.
Attendance in school is extremely important. Please make every effort to have your child in school every day on time. If a student is absent, a phone call should be made to the school office by 9:00 a.m. When returning to school, the student should have a note explaining the reason for the absence. Any student who is tardy must receive a tardy slip from the school office to be admitted to class.
Research indicates a strong and direct relationship between school attendance and grades, citizenship and success in school. It is very difficult to teach students that are not in class. In many cases, the activity that takes place in the class during instruction cannot be duplicated later with a book or worksheet. Each child’s participation and interaction with peers is part of the lesson. Therefore, children’s attendance is a valuable ingredient to their and their classmate’s education.
It is understandable that unavoidable absences will occur. When this is the case, please notify the office the morning of the absence. Prearranged absences should be avoided; however, if parents are aware of an absence in advance, they should notify the school office as far ahead of the absence as possible. If reasonable time permits, arrangements will be made to get assignments from teachers. Students who are involved in extracurricular activities, which include honor choir, band, drama, or other school clubs/activities or special performances/programs, should be in attendance for at least a half day in order to participate.
The Nixa Public Schools’ attendance procedure limits absences to eight (8) absences per semester. Any absence over ten is considered excessive. In an effort to keep parents and guardians informed about attendance, letters will be sent when a student reaches five (5) and eight (8) absences. After ten absences, the principal can notify the proper authorities if he/she feels it is excessive. At this time, an attendance contract may be signed with the guardians, students, and school officials. Any documentation by a doctor’s office that is related to the absence is appreciated. This documentation is kept in the nurse’s office.
Make-up work is the responsibility of the student. Two school days are allowed for the first day and one additional day for each successive day thereafter. For example, a student missing two days of school will be allowed three days to complete make-up work.
Extended Learning Time
JTSD has the privilege and honor to extend our learning an extra 20 days each year. These extended days are implemented so that we can delve much deeper into our current curriculum. With deeper learning comes needed time to complete ALL of our state mandated, grade level goals. Our grade cards will be sent home on the last day of school. Learning and assessment takes place throughout the June days. It is imperative that your child is at school every day, on time, to finish out the entirety of their grade level year. We appreciate your support.
Please take note of the importance of the extra days. These days are not intended as summer school days. Please do not schedule camps or vacations if at all possible. Attendance is a high priority for our district and JTSD. We want to continue our great attendance throughout the entire year. Our hours beginning after the district's last day of school are 7:30am to 2:20pm. Bus routes change when our school hours change. Make sure that this information is taken into consideration as you determine if JTSD and its extended learning time is right for your family.
Bullying and Hazing
Notice of Non-Discrimination
As a political subdivision, employer, recipient of federal funds and educational institution, the Board of Education is prohibited from, and hereby declares a policy against, engaging in unlawful discrimination, including harassment creating a hostile environment, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, age or use of leave protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act, in its programs, activities, and with regard to employment. The Board is an equal opportunity employer.
Any person having inquiries, including persons with impaired vision or hearing can obtain information as to the existence and location of services, activities, and facilities that are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities by contacting the Executive Director of Special Services, 301 S. Main, Nixa, MO 65714, KarenMcKnight@nixaschools.net, (417) 724-6260 or the Sodexo Facilities Director, RobertKlug@nixaschools.net, at (417) 724-6392.
Questions concerning the Nixa Public Schools’ compliance with regulations implementing Title II of the Americans Disabilities Act, Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, or Equal Opportunity Employment is directed to contact the following designated coordinators:
Equal Opportunity Employment – Mark McGehee, Faught Administration Center, 724-6270
Title VI and Title IX – Mark McGehee, Faught Administration Center, 724-6270
Section 504 – Michelle Miller, Faught Administration Center, 724-6275
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) –Karen McKnight, Faught Administration Center, 724-6260 and Robert Klug, Sodexo, 724-6392
Homeless Liaison – Jenn Finke, 417-839-2936
Displayed Work of Special Services Students
Teachers of students in special services classrooms may display class work in the hallway or another fashion in the school where it is in view of others in the building. Please note that since the school buildings are used by the public, your child's name or identity may be revealed on the work. If this is of concern to you, please speak to your child's special services teacher.
Bus Regulations
For the safety of all students, rules of conduct must be obeyed. When they are not, a disciplinary report is written by the bus driver and given to the principal. A conference between the child and principal will be held, and a copy of the referral will be sent to the parents. The transportation department has outlined specific rules and consequences. Written notification to the teacher is required when a child is not riding the usual bus home. Glass containers, skateboards and balloons are not permitted on school buses.
Food Allergy Policy: No food or drinks, other than bottled water, are allowed on bus transportation to and from school unless there is a medical need and the student has written permission from his/her building principal.
Students should pay for meals prior to eating. Payments for student meal accounts can be completed at Schoolpay.com or by cash/check at the school building.
Any changes in meal prices may be found on the school’s website www.nixapublicschools.net.
Parents are encouraged to complete and submit free and reduced applications if they feel they may meet the criteria for qualification. Applications can be obtained from the elementary office or completed online at SchoolCafe.com. All applications are kept highly confidential.
Directory Information
“Directory Information” is information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Nixa Public Schools designates the following items as “Directory Information:” student’s name, parent’s name, address, telephone number, grade level, participation in officially recognized activities including audiovisual or photographic records of the openly visible activities thereof (e.g., artistic performances, sporting contests, assemblies, service projects, awards ceremonies, etc. ), honors and awards received, and photographs including photographs of regular school activities and videotape that does not disclose specific academic information about the child and/or would not be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy.
Parents will have ten (10) school days after receiving the student/family handbook information to provide notice in writing to the school district that they choose not to have this information or any portion of the “Directory Information” released. Unless notified to the contrary in writing within the ten (10) school-day period, the school district may disclose any of those items designated as “Directory Information” without the parent’s or eligible student’s prior written consent including in print and electronic publications of the school district.
STEAM Leadership Matrix
Strive for Success By:
- Taking Responsibility
- I follow directions
- I give my best effort
- Encouraging Respect
- I use kind words
- I keep our school clean
- Acting Safely
- I keep my hands and feet to myself
- I am aware of my surroundings
- Making Learning Count
- I complete all activities to the best of my ability
- arrive at school on time with necessary supplies
- follow the teacher’s directives
- be responsible and work to best ability
- no electronic games or devices are allowed without prior permission from building principal
- each classroom has special rules to follow
- rules will be discussed throughout the year
- parents are asked to help children realize the importance of an environment conducive to learning
- fighting, including play fighting, will not be allowed at any time
- equipment is to be used correctly
- no hard balls are allowed
- toys from home are not allowed
- good manners are a must
- talking is to be only at the table one is seated
- students are to stay seated until dismissed
- students should raise hands for emergencies only
- food is not allowed to be shared
- children who do not respect lunchroom rules may be asked to sit at a designated area away from peers
Students are expected to come to school in a positive frame of mind and be ready to actively cooperate and participate in educational activities. Parents are expected to support the school in helping their child to maintain a positive attitude. Disciplinary problems will be handled in accordance with School Board Policies JGA and the Missouri Safe Schools Act. No person employed by or volunteering on behalf of Nixa Public Schools shall administer or have cause to administer corporal punishment upon a student attending district schools (Policy JGA). Students may be disciplined or suspended for any of the following:
- Possession, transmission, and/or use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol Disrespect or insubordination
- The use of improper language Fighting
- Inappropriate display of affection
- Rowdy behavior such as pushing & shoving
- Leaving a classroom or school grounds without permission
- Vandalizing, damaging, or stealing school or private property Threatening, intimidating, or causing bodily harm to any person
- Weapons (as described in the Missouri Safe Schools Act)—Students who bring a weapon to school will be expelled for a period of one year. The superintendent of schools may modify this expulsion on a case-by-case basis. The minimum punishment shall be a parent conference and the maximum punishment shall be one-year expulsion.
Sexual harassment—complaints shall be forwarded to the principal for investigation. A substantiated charge against a student shall subject that student to disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion. False accusations will result in the same disciplinary action applicable to the one found guilty of sexual harassment.
Discipline Matrix for K-6 - Major Offenses
Setting something on fire.
1st Offense - 1 day Out of School Suspension (OSS)
2nd Offense - 3 days OSS
3rd Offense - 5 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - 10 days OSS
i.e. One student hits another student and other student does not fight back.
1st Offense - 1 day OSS
2nd Offense - 3 days OSS
3rd Offense - 5 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - 10 days OSS
Bullying and Harassment
i.e. Repeated and Targeted
1st Offense - 1 day OSS
2nd Offense - 3 days OSS
3rd Offense - 5 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - 10 days OSS
*Additional Paperwork
Leaving the building
1st Offense - 1 day OSS
2nd Offense - 3 days OSS
3rd Offense - 5 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - 10 days OSS
Includes verbal or physical contribution
1st Offense - 1 day OSS
2nd Offense - 3 days OSS
3rd Offense - 5 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - 10 days OSS
Physical Abuse of Staff
1st Offense - 3 days OSS
2nd Offense - 5 days OSS
3rd Offense - 10 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - Referral to Superintendent for long-term suspension
Physical Confrontation with Injury
i.e. Shove that results in substantial injury or destruction of property
1st Offense - 1 day OSS
2nd Offense - 3 days OSS
3rd Offense - 5 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - 10 days OSS
Physical/Verbal Abuse of Student
i.e. Cussing or verbal attack at another student
1st Offense - 1 day ISS (in School Suspension)/ ASD (after school detention)
2nd Offense - 1 day OSS
3rd Offense - 3 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - 5 days OSS
i.e. sharing or displaying images
1st Offense - 1 day OSS
2nd Offense - 3 days OSS
3rd Offense - 5 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - 10 days OSS
Theft (Greater than $10)
1st Offense - 1 day ISS/ASD and Restitution
2nd Offense - 1 day OSS and Restitution
3rd Offense - 3 days OSS and Restitution
4th Offense and Beyond - 5 days OSS and Restitution
Threats and Verbal Assault
School Police are notified dependending on the severity of threat.
1st Offense - 1 day ISS/ 1 day OSS
2nd Offense - 3 days OSS
3rd Offense - Referral to Superintendent for long-term suspension
4th Offense and Beyond - Referral to Superintendent for long-term suspension
Vandalism (Major +$500)
1st Offense - 3 days OSS and Restitution
2nd Offense - 5 days OSS and Restitution
3rd Offense - 10 days OSS and Restitution
4th Offense and Beyond - Referral to Superintendent for long-term suspension
Vape Distribution (Tobacco)
1st Offense - 1 day OSS
2nd Offense - 3 days OSS
3rd Offense - 5 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - 10 days OSS
Vape Possession/Use (Tobacco)
1st Offense - 1 day OSS
2nd Offense - 3 days OSS
3rd Offense - 5 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - 10 days OSS
Verbal Abuse of Staff
i.e. Cursing at a teacher, threats
1st Offense - 1 day OSS
2nd Offense - 3 days OSS
3rd Offense - 5 days OSS
4th Offense and Beyond - 10 days OSS
Personal Electronic Devices
Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) such as CD players, MP3 players, Gameboys, cell phones and other electronic devices are discouraged from being brought to school. The school cannot be responsible for stolen or broken items. Upon arrival to school, these items should be turned off and stored in backpacks during school hours (8:10 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.). If PED use violates policy, the school officials may hold the item until the end of the day (parent pick-up may be necessary) or the student may be banned from bringing the PED to school and/or school activities for a length of time assigned by the administration. Students may be subject to other/additional disciplinary measures.
General guidelines for confiscated PED’s:
- First Offense: PED will be confiscated by school officials. A parent contact will be made, and the student may pick up the device at the end of the school day at 3:35 p.m.
- Second Offense: PED will be confiscated by school officials. A parent contact will be made, and the parents may pick up the device during regular school hours or a time agreed upon by parent and principal.
- Third Offense: PED will be confiscated by school officials. A parent contact will be made, and the parents can pick up the device during school hours or at an agreed time by parent and principal. The student may be subject to other disciplinary measures as deemed appropriate by the principal.
Student Dress Code
Kindergarten - Fourth Grade
The Board of Education expects student dress and grooming to be neat, clean and in good taste so that each student may share in promoting a positive, healthy and safe atmosphere within the school district.
Student dress and grooming will be the responsibility of the individual and parents/guardians, within the following guidelines:
- Dress and grooming will be clean and in keeping with health, sanitary and safety requirements.
- All students must wear shoes, boots or other types of footwear.
- Dress and grooming will not disrupt the educational environment.
- Class activities that present a concern for student safety may require the student to adjust hair and/or clothing during the class period in the interest of maintaining safety standards.
- Additional dress guidelines may be imposed upon students participating in certain extracurricular activities.
When, in the judgment of the principal, a student's appearance or mode of dress does not comply with the above criteria, the student may be required to make modifications. No employee or volunteer shall direct a student to remove an emblem, insignia or garment, including a religious emblem, insignia or garment, as long as it is worn in a manner that does not promote disruptive behavior.
Fifth - Sixth Grade
It is generally accepted that cleanliness, good grooming, and appropriate dress are necessary to reduce distraction, promote health, and provide a productive learning atmosphere. Extremes in dress and personal appearance which cause distraction or pose health problems will not be tolerated at school. Clothing that calls undue attention to the wearer is not appropriate at school. Dress and grooming will not be allowed to disrupt the educational environment in any way.
- Clothing and jewelry cannot, in any way, either directly or indirectly, advertise, support, or suggest the use of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or illegal drugs and/or substances.
- Clothing and jewelry cannot, in any way, either directly or indirectly, display or suggest graphics of a sexual nature, profane speech, obscene language, gang affiliation, illegal activity, violence, or anything else that is unacceptable or inappropriate for school. Clothing with racially inflammatory or verbally harassing material such as confederate flags or swastikas shall not be worn or displayed.
- Halter tops, tube tops, tops that show bare midriffs, backless tops, sheer or mesh-style tops, shirts with the sides cut out, strapless tops, off-the-shoulder tops, or single- strap tops are not permitted. Tank top straps must be at least 1” in width, and must not show clothing/undergarments that are layered beneath the straps (underlying layers are considered to be “underwear”, and should not be visible.
- Shorts and skirts must be worn at an appropriate length to avoid distractions to the educational environment.
- Hats, head coverings, visors, sunglasses, and any other non-prescription eyewear are not permitted.
- Chains hanging from clothes (or the body) and jewelry that causes a distraction to the educational environment is not permitted.
- Students must wear footwear designed for public use. Any type of extreme dress, or dress that is disruptive or distracting to the educational environment (such as short skirts, mini-dresses, low-cut tops, clothing that is too revealing, sagging pants or shorts, or clothing that is not properly fastened or that contains tears that expose undergarments or an undergarment area) will not be permitted.
Teachers and administration will use their best judgment in determining the disruption (or potential disruption) caused by clothing. Violators of the above guidelines will be required to seek appropriate attire. Repeated violations of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action.
FERPA (The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the confidentiality of a student’s educational records. It also requires schools receiving federal money to provide parents access to their child’s records and allows them to request modification of the child’s educational records. This right is also extended to students the age of 18 and older.
Field Trips
Parental permission is required for any trips taken outside the school district boundaries. Parents wishing to chaperone or serve a supervisory role while attending the field trip must follow our district Volunteer policy: Per district policy GBEBC: The district will conduct FBI background checks for each volunteer who has regular and frequent contact with students, unsupervised or one-on-one contact with students, or serves in a supervisory role. A criminal background check will be conducted on these volunteers regardless of their role, membership, or affiliation with organizations who exist to support the district, such as the PTA.
The practice of sending flowers, balloons, and other such remembrances to friends and family at school has grown to the point of disruption. Therefore, such deliveries at school are discouraged. In the event that such remembrances are delivered at school, they will be held in the office until the end of the school day. Students may claim their delivery at the close of school. Glass containers and balloons will not be permitted on school buses.
Grade Cards/Progress Reports
Statewide Assessments
Nixa Public Schools will implement the components of the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) in order to monitor the progress of all students in meeting the Show-Me Standards, as set forth by the Missouri State Board of Education. (See Policy IL) The MAP test will be given to students in Grades 3 through 8 by subject. End-of-Course tests will be given to students in Grades 8 through 12 by enrolled courses. A schedule and information will be sent home with students prior to testing.
Health Services
Verification of current immunizations must be on file with the school nurse before new students begin classes. Also, it is very important that the school have every child’s emergency information form on file with the nurse so that parents may be contacted quickly if necessary.
Good attendance is important to your child’s learning; however, there are times when your child may be too sick to attend school. Please keep your child home from school and contact your child’s physician if they:
- are unable to participate fully in all school activities due to illness
- have symptoms of a contagious condition or a rash with an unknown cause
- have a fever of 100 degrees or more within the last 24 hours, without fever-reducing medication
- have been vomiting or experiencing diarrhea within the past 24 hours or if they are unable to eat normally
- have persistent coughing with shortness of breath
- have a diagnosis of strep throat that has not been under antibiotic treatment for 24 hours
If your child has any of these symptoms while at school, a parent/guardian will be contacted to pick him/her up.
Medication Administration
If your child must have medication of any type given during school hours, including over-the-counter drugs, you have the following choices:
- You may come to school and give the medication to your child at the appropriate time(s).
- You may obtain a copy of a medication form from the school nurse or school secretary. Take the form to your child’s healthcare provider and have him/her complete the form by listing the medications(s) needed, dosage, and number of times per day the medication is to be administered.
- Prescription and non- prescription medicines must be brought to school by a parent or guardian in the originally labeled bottle which contains instructions on how and when the medication is to be given.
- When you get a prescription filled, ask the pharmacist to make an extra container with the label on it for the school nurse.
Students are not allowed to carry any medication in backpacks or on the bus unless it is a pre-approved emergency medication and appropriate paperwork is on file with the nurse. Medications will not be sent home with students.
You may discuss with your healthcare provider an alternative schedule for administering medication (e.g., outside of school hours).
All medication must be kept and administered through the school nurse office.
School personnel will administer any medication to students ONLY when they have received a medication form properly completed and signed by the prescriber. Medication must be received in an appropriately labeled container.
Emergency Medication
All student-occupied buildings are equipped with epinephrine for emergency anaphylaxis, albuterol for respiratory emergencies, and naloxone for opioid overdose. Students who cannot receive epinephrine, albuterol, or naloxone in the case of an emergency must have written parent documentation on file.
Please refer to The 2024-2025 Missouri School Immunization Requirements for Nixa Public Schools immunization requirements.
Each child has on file a cumulative permanent record. These are available for review at any time by appointment. When transferring to another school, the school should be notified as soon as possible. Records are forwarded to the new school as soon as our school receives a “records request” from the new school.
Periodic drills are conducted at school to teach children what to do in the event of a fire, tornado, earthquake, or crisis situation. Teachers and students practice proper procedures regularly to ensure preparation in the case of an emergency. In the event of a total building evacuation, parents will be notified through AlertNow.
School Cancellations/Delayed Starts/Early Outs
In case of inclement weather or other emergency situations, announcement of school closings will be made through rapid notification system and QuickNews in addition to information being posted on Facebook (www.facebook.com/nixapublicschools) and Twitter (@nixaschools). Information will also be supplied to local television stations, radio stations and other news outlets. As soon as a decision is made, the media will be notified. Additionally, our school website can be accessed for school closing information or other important information at http://www.nixapublicschools.net. Please check the district website or social media outlets for information rather than calling the school. The school phone lines need to be kept open for emergency purposes.
If school is dismissed early, all efforts will be made to notify parents through the methods listed above. Parents should have arrangements made each school year for emergency-type situations. These arrangements should be discussed with your child/children so they will know what to do.
If school is announced as a late start, students will come to school two hours later than the usual start time. Bus routes will also run 2 hours later than usual. During late start days, XLT will not be available for before school care.
School will be dismissed each Friday one hour early to provide for teacher collaboration.
Rapid Notification System
Nixa is using a rapid notification system that allows schools to contact thousands of parents within minutes. Nixa Public Schools has implemented this to substantially improve its ongoing communication with parents. This service, currently through Blackboard Connect, is only available to parents of children in the Nixa School District.
Our Rapid Notification System allows school administrators to keep parents updated quickly and efficiently with personalized messages and helps parents stay actively involved in their child’s education.
The Rapid Notification System has the ability to do the following:
- Reach thousands of parents per minute (calls and text alerts)
- Send notifications even when school phone lines are down
- Inform parents the very morning of a child’s absence from school
- Rapidly deliver first-hand information during a crisis situation
Parents will receive the following types of alerts from schools:
- Routine notification calls do not directly affect the safety of students, staff or parents. These calls include upcoming events, delayed school bus routes and absenteeism.
- Emergency notification calls are used during critical incidents where a child, staff member or parent’s safety is in immediate jeopardy. These calls include lockdowns, evacuations and relocations.
- Text alerts will be used to distribute quick reminders or information. If your primary phone is your cell phone, you will receive text alerts. (You will have the option to opt- out of receiving alerts.) Text alerts will be limited but will occur more frequently than our routine notification calls.
- Email Updates will be sent out to the email address that parents enter into the student information system. These will include reminders and updates on various school events. Emails will be limited but will occur more frequently than our routine notification calls.
QuickNews is the district’s weekly e-newsletter that is sent out to all members of the community who sign up. This service is delivered by e-mail and includes updates for events across the district as well as news items in the district. Sign up for QuickNews on the District’s homepage at www.nixapublicschools.net.
Our school nurses facilitate a variety of health screenings for our elementary students to promote wellness. A hearing and vision screening will be conducted annually in Kindergarten, First Grade, Third Grade, and Fifth Grade.Dental screenings are periodically conducted for elementary students when provider services are available to do so. Head lice screenings are conducted anytime a child has symptoms. A written request must be provided to the school nurse by a parent/guardian for a child to be excused from school health screenings. A parent/guardian may also request a specific screening upon notification to a school nurse at any time.
Programs for Students With Disabilities/Special Needs
Nixa Public Schools has a vital interest in providing a free and appropriate education for all students in the community. Early intervention is the key to ensuring the success of all students. Our district’s goal is to promote success at every educational level.
All responsible public agencies are required to locate, evaluate, and identify children with disabilities who are under the jurisdiction of the agency, regardless of the severity of the disability, including children attending private schools; children who live outside the district but are attending a private school within the district; highly mobile children, such as migrant and homeless children; children who are wards of the state; and children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education, even though they are advancing from grade to grade. Nixa Public Schools assures that it will provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to all eligible children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21 under its jurisdiction. Disabilities include autism, deaf/blindness, emotional disorders, hearing impairment and deafness, multiple disabilities, other health impairments, mental retardation/intellectual disability, orthopedic impairment, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment/ blindness and young child with a developmental delay.
Nixa Public Schools assures that it will provide information and referral services necessary to assist the State in the implementation of early intervention services for infants and toddlers eligible for the Missouri First Steps programs.
Nixa Public Schools assures that personally identifiable information collected, used, or maintained by the agency for the purpose of identification, evaluation, placement or provision of FAPE of children with disabilities may be inspected and/or reviewed by their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians may request amendment to the educational record if the parent/guardian believes the record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of their child. Parents have the right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education concerning alleged failures by the district to meet the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Nixa Public Schools has developed a Local Compliance Plan for the implementation of State Regulations for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This plan contains the agency’s policies and procedures regarding storage, disclosure to third parties, retention and destruction of personally identifiable information and the agency’s assurance that services are provided in compliance with the General Education Provision Act (GEPA). This plan may be reviewed Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, at the Special Education Office.
(See Board Policies IGBA, IGBCA, IGBCB and IGBH)
In order for students to be transported safely, discipline rules must be established and adhered to by everyone. Driving a school bus, that is much larger than an automobile, and transporting not just one, but a large number of students, requires a certain amount of skill and a great responsibility. With the cooperative effort of the parents, students, and bus drivers, we have a safe and efficient transportation system.
Safety is our primary concern. Students shall be expected to follow all bus rules. Please review the transportation handbook with your child so he/she will be aware of the rules and so that a safe ride can be assured for everyone.
Transportation for the Nixa Public Schools is provided by Alliance Bus Company. If you have any questions about service, please feel free to contact Alliance at 417-414-0960 or speak with your child’s principal.
Driver’s Responsibilities
- Driver shall be on time at the scheduled location.
- Driver shall maintain the highest degree of safety at all times.
- Driver shall encourage and commend good student conduct.
- Driver shall use reasonable and consistent discipline procedures.
- Driver shall maintain a businesslike, friendly relationship with all students.
Student’s Responsibilities:
- Student shall be on time at scheduled bus stop and wait for the bus in a safe manner.
- Students shall wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to get on or off the bus.
- Student shall go directly to his/her seat, sit down and stay there until the bus comes to a complete stop at the assigned bus stop or school.
- Carry-on items (backpacks, instruments, etc.) must be placed on the student’s lap. Glass items, skateboards and balloons are not permitted on the bus.
- Student shall obey the rules that have been established for school bus riders
Parent’s Responsibilities:
- Parent shall make sure the child/children are on time at bus stop.
- Parent shall accompany small children to the bus in the morning and meet them in the afternoon, if at all possible.
- Parent shall instill in their own children habits of punctuality and correct behavior.
- Parent shall understand the importance of school bus safety and review bus rules with each child.
Bus Passes:
Students shall be expected to ride to and from school on the same bus on a regular basis. Exceptions will require a note from parents. The note must be signed by the school office and should contain the following information: student’s name, regular bus number that student rides, destination and bus number wishing to ride, phone number of contact parent if needed, parent signature and date.
Students must have a note signed by the principal or teacher. The student must present this note to the bus driver when boarding the bus.
If a student needs to get off the regular bus some place along the route other than home, the student must have a bus pass (note). Same procedure must be followed listed above.
The district cannot accommodate large groups of students going to parties, etc., on a bus different from the one that brought them to school. In those instances, parents will have to make their own transportation arrangements.
Additional riders may cause a strain on the maximum capacity load count. If the maximum capacity exceeds the limit, students will not be able to ride, and the student will have to ride their assigned bus route or make other arrangements.
A student without a bus pass (note) will not be allowed to ride a bus other than the one they are assigned to ride.
Bus Safety:
Although every reasonable effort is made by the school to prevent accidents to students, it is inevitable that accidents occur. Illnesses are also unpredictable.
The bus drivers are directed to take prompt action to minimize the effects of accidents and illness and to provide first aid and notify the transportation office. The transportation office will notify the school as quickly as possible. The bus driver will determine if an ambulance is needed. In the event of an accident, the bus driver will notify the transportation director and the school administrator will be notified.
School Closing:
When bad weather conditions occur, announcements of school closing will be made as outlined in the School Cancellations/Delayed Starts/Early Dismissal section above.
Food Allergy Policy:
No food or drinks, other than bottled water, are allowed on bus transportation to and from school unless there is a medical need and the student has written permission from his/her building principal.
Field Trips:
Students shall be expected to conduct themselves in an orderly fashion and to follow the school bus rules as they do on a daily schedule route. Students who fail to follow the safety rules will receive a misconduct notice.
Student Misconduct:
- Excessive noise
- Excessive tardiness at bus stop
- Destruction of bus property
- Use of profane language/gestures
- Head/arms out of the bus window
- Improper boarding/improper departing
- Refusing to obey driver’s instructions
- Scuffling/pushing/tripping/hitting
- Spitting/littering/spraying (aerosol/pump)
- Throwing objects out of bus window/throwing objects inside bus
- Rude/discourteous and annoying conduct
- Does not stay seated/not seated properly
- Stealing
- Eating/drinking (non-alcohol, beverages) on bus
- Riding another bus unauthorized
- Nuisance items/or any item that has sharp or exposed edges.
Kindergarten through 6th grade
1st bus referral - conference with principal
2nd bus referral - conference with principal and notify parent
3rd bus referral - one day bus suspension
4th bus referral - three day bus suspension
5th bus referral - ten day bus suspension and conference with parent, principal, driver, and transportation director (parent conference may reduce suspension)
6th bus referral - removal from bus for 30 days
7th bus referral - removal from bus permanently.
Severe Student Misconduct
*Possible law enforcement notified
Pending an investigation: bus riding privileges may be permanently and immediately suspended for the following:
Physical Assault/Fighting
Possession of drug/alcohol/tobacco
Gang conduct or activity
Sexual misconduct/sexual harassment
Weapons/knives/guns/any object being used to commit unsafe act
1st bus referral - five day bus suspension/parent conference
2nd bus referral - ten day bus suspension/ parent conference
3rd bus referral - removal from bus permanently
School Bus Rules:
- To insure safety, the driver must be in charge at all times. Students must respond promptly to instructions given.
- The use of tobacco, food, drink, or vaping on the bus is prohibited. Glass items, oversize objects, skateboards, balloons (of any kind) are not permitted.
- Passengers must observe classroom conduct. Ordinary conversation is permitted. Horseplay, unruly behavior, abusive and obscene language or gestures are unacceptable.
- Keep aisles and stepwell clear at all times
- Never extend any portion of your body out windows. Never throw objects out the bus window or inside the bus.
- Do not attempt to get off or move about while the bus is in motion. Always remain seated until bus stops.
- If you cause damage to the bus, you or your parents must pay for the damage.
- Regular schedules must be observed. The bus cannot wait for tardy passengers. Students should be at the bus stop five minutes prior to scheduled pick-up time.
- Wait at the proper stop and never stand in the roadway; if you cross the street or road to board, check for traffic. Cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus. Never walk behind the bus.
- Spraying of any kind (pump or aerosol) is not permitted on the bus.
- Students will not be allowed to load/unload at places other than their designated stop without proper written authorization from the parent and school officials.
- Drivers have the authority to assign seats.
- Students are not allowed to bring animals or insects of any kind on the bus.
- Students are not allowed to go to the mailbox until the bus has pulled away from the stop.
- Upon entering the bus, no student will be allowed to wear anything covering head or face that would conceal his/her identity to the driver (i.e., hood, stocking cap, scarf).
- Failure to follow these rules may result in loss of transportation.
Per district policy GBEBC: The district will conduct FBI criminal background checks for each volunteer who has regular and frequent contact with students, unsupervised or one-on- one contact with students, or serves in a supervisory role. An FBI criminal background check will be conducted on these volunteers regardless of their role, membership, or affiliation with organizations who exist to support the district, such as the PTA. This also includes all volunteers who attend field trips with students as a chaperone or serve in a supervisory role. Please visit our district website for any updated information at: https://www.nixapublicschools.net/Domain/271
Withdrawing From School
Parents should make sure all library books are returned, lunches are paid, Chromebooks and chargers are returned, and a child’s personal belongings are picked up when a child is going to move. Please notify the school office at least three days in advance, if possible. A letter or email is needed for notification of the withdrawal.
Families that wish to move their child/children to their area home school in Nixa have the opportunity to withdraw at the end of each semester. A letter or email of withdrawal needs to be sent to the office notifying JTSD of the transfer. Students are not allowed to move schools in Nixa prior to the end of the semester.
2024-2025 District Calendar
Please refer to the 2024-2025 District Calendar Page.
Virtual Learning
In compliance with Section 161.670, RSMo, Nixa Public Schools allows students to access virtual learning opportunities when it is in the best educational interest of the student. The district’s preferred provider for virtual learning is the MOCAP approved LAUNCH program (launchpad.fueledbylaunch.com/). Please note the following parameters:
- The student must be enrolled in Nixa Public Schools as a full-time student. Additionally, the student must have been enrolled in a public school as a full-time student the semester prior to accessing virtual coursework. Students must meet and maintain all pertinent residency requirements of the district. Virtual enrollment will only occur within the registration windows each Fall and Spring semester (enrollment closes 2 weeks into any given semester). Students entering Kindergarten are eligible for virtual enrollment only if they have attended our district Early Childhood programs due to the requirements of enrollment in Nixa Schools prior to starting virtual learning. Documented medical or psychological conditions preventing students from attending school may waive eligibility requirements.
- Acceptance into the virtual program for students with an IEP or 504 will depend on the decision of the IEP or 504 team, as they determine the best educational placement for the individual student.
- Students must attend all required state testing in person. On the scheduled testing date(s), students must report to the designated testing location in the same manner they would report to any seated class.
- Enrollment in full virtual may prohibit participation in activities or athletics based upon state law and MSHSAA guidelines.
- Enrollment requests are considered for one semester at a time. Students who are approved as virtual students will remain virtual students for the entire semester, unless the district determines the virtual placement is not in the best educational interest of the student.
- Student performance will be reviewed each semester. Virtual students who are failing and/or missing an excessive number of assignments in a virtual course will be contacted for consideration to return to seated courses. If students are not successful in virtual courses, it is the school’s decision whether or not a student must return to seated courses. If a student is removed due to lack of progress during the semester, it may result in loss of credit (if a suitable seated class is not available).
CONNECTED Policies and Procedures
For the CONNECTED Policies, Procedures, and Damage Waiver, please refer to the Nixa Public Schools CONNECTED Program Handbook.
Parent PL 114-95
August, 2024
Dear Parent /Guardian,
Nixa Public Schools are required to inform you of information that you, according to the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (Public Law 114-95), have the right to know.
Upon your request, our District is required to provide to you in a timely manner the following information:
- Whether your student’s teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject area in which the teacher provides instruction.
- Whether your student’s teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
- Whether your student’s teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
- Whether your child is provided services by a paraprofessional and, if so, their qualifications.
In addition to the information that parents may request, a building receiving Title IA funds must provide to each individual parent:
- Information on the level of achievement and academic growth of your student, if applicable and available, on each of the State academic assessments required under Title IA.
- Timely notice that your child has been assigned to or has been taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who has not met applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.
NOTE: If your child participated in the spring state required academic assessment, results are provided to you each fall as soon as they are returned to the district.
Nixa Public Schools