2024-2025 XLT Handbook
- Mission Statement
- Program Objectives
- Admission
- Enrollment
- Hours and Days of Operation
- Change of Schedule or Withdrawal from Program
- Tuition and Attendance Schedules
- Financial Assistance
- Billing Policies and Procedures
- Check In and Out Procedures
- Custody Issues
- Parent/Guardian Visitation
- Reporting Child Abuse
- Confidentiality
- Snacks
- Personal Property
- Cell Phones
- Clothing
- Ill Children
- Medication
- Special Care Plans
- Special Needs/Allergies
- Accidents
- Movies
- Behavior Guidance
- Bullying
- Outdoor Weather Safety
- Babysitting
- Program Changes
- School Days Off & XLT Camps
- Inclement Weather
- Social Media
- Licensing
- XLT/Eagle Care Contact Information and Program Location
Mission Statement
The mission of Nixa Public Schools; dedicated to our legacy of excellence, is to ensure all students achieve maximum potential and graduate with the knowledge, skills and character necessary to succeed as a productive, informed, and engaged citizens in a diverse society by providing a quality, comprehensive, world-class education in a safe and secure learning environment.
Program Objectives
XLT staff will be facilitators of positive development through the process of activities, games, spontaneous play, and one-on-one interactions.
XLT will have a balance of child-centered activities, enrichment programming combined with choices for free time and offer homework assistance. XLT will create an atmosphere of respect for all those who interact with XLT. This includes children and youth, parents and guardians, teachers and schools, and our community.
XLT will not discriminate in providing services to children and youth on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, cultural heritage, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability.
- K-4th grade students are enrolled at XLT at the elementary school they attend. 5th and 6th grade students will attend Summit XLT in the PM and High Pointe XLT in the AM. Transportation will be provided each day for students.
- K-6th grade JTSD students have the option to attend XLT at JTSD or at their home school. Transportation is provided by the Bus Barn and must be arranged by the parent. Please contact the Bus Barn at 724-1555.
- All 5th and 6th grade students, with the exception of JTSD, will go to Summit Intermediate.
- The minimum enrollment period for XLT is 1 month. Due to rapid growth and programming, we do not offer drop in care or enrollment periods shorter than one month.
- XLT does not offer drop in care to unenrolled students. Please contact Madyson Tilley at 417-724-6190 or madysontilley@nixaschools.net for more information regarding enrollment and drop in care. All drop in situations are not guaranteed and are at the discretion of XLT.
- Enrollment in XLT is processed through the Nixa Public School’s Registration office. Please contact Madyson Tilley at madysontilley@nixaschools.net for more information.
- We require up to 5 business days to process your enrollment paperwork, your child may not attend XLT until your paperwork is processed.
- When enrolling your student after the first of the year, the first month’s tuition is due at the time of enrollment.
- Due to staff to student ratios, XLT reserves the right to cap any site without notice. You will be notified that the site is at full capacity, and may be added to a wait list if you so choose.
Hours and Days of Operation
XLT is available Monday through Friday when school is in session. The hours of operation will be from 6:30am to the beginning of schools and after school until 6:30pm.
- XLT will not be in session on snow days, mornings of late start days due to weather, or afternoons of early release days.
- On Days where the district calls a 2 hour late start due to inclement weather, XLT will not be open for the AM Session. Per the District Policy, “In an attempt to provide a service to those who wish to drop off their child(ren) at school on their way to work in the morning of a late-start day, the building principal will have someone near the front door to welcome your child(ren) to school beginning at 8:30am. (Grades K-4).”
- For days of an early release due to weather, the call will go out as soon as the decision has been made so that you have as much time to plan as possible. You will need to make arrangements to pick up your child as soon as possible. We will not operate PM XLT when an early release has been called.
- XLT will operate normally on afternoons of scheduled half days of school. Students who are already enrolled in afternoon XLT can attend their normal schedule. Any additional students will need to contact the XLT office regarding afternoon care on these days.
- XLT offers a School Day Off program for teacher workdays and certain holidays. Spring break and In-Between Camps will also be offered. These days are in addition to your monthly tuition fee.
- XLT SDO’s, summer school and summer camp programs are separate from the regular school year. The entire summer session (4 weeks) is due at the time of enrollment. Summer Camp (Camp Eagle) will have separate registration and tuition.
Change of Schedule or Withdrawal from Program
If schedule changes are needed for your child, please complete a Schedule Change Request online at http://www.nixaxlt.net.
Schedule changes made prior to the 25th of each month will be applied to the end of the current month. Changes made after the 25th of the month will not be applied until the end of the following month. This is due to the tuition schedule being broken down over a year of payments spread out evenly across the school year.
Tuition will not be prorated, appropriate notice must be given to stop tuition from being charged. Tuition will continue to be charged unless we have received a schedule change form. All balances must be paid in full in order to return.
If your family should have an unusual or emergency type financial problem that may affect the prompt payment of tuition, please call 417-724-6190 to discuss the situation with the XLT Office Manager.
If your child will not be attending the program as scheduled, please notify your child’s XLT site in advance. Cooperation in this matter is for the safety of your child.
If your child does not attend for one month and Eagle Care has not been notified, your child will be dropped from the program. All balances must be paid in full in order to return.
Written notice should include the following information:
- Child’s full name
- Parent’s full name
- Current date
- Effective Date of Change
- School child attends
- Current Eagle Care schedule
- Requested Eagle Care schedule or withdraw
- Parent signature
Tuition and Attendance Schedules
AM & PM: $390 / month
PM: $290 / month
AM: $195 / month
Monday Late Start: $40 /month
Our tuition schedule is based on a daily tuition fee multiplied by the number of student days for the year. There are 171 student days for the 2024-2025 school year. It is then divided by the number of monthly billing cycles. Your payment amount will remain constant for the year; however you are not being charged for days that school is not in session. Therefore, we do not prorate. (i.e. August, Thanksgiving, Christmas Break, Spring Break, and May, mid-month cycle changes, start dates or end dates of care.)
Please see the break down below:
Full Time AM & PM: $20.55 daily x 171 student days = $3,514.05 for the school year / 9 billing cycles
= $390 monthly.
Full Time PM: $15.30 daily x 171 student days = $2616.30 for the school year / 9 billing cycles
= $290 monthly.
Full Time AM: $10.30 daily x 171 student days = $1761.30 for the school year / 9 billing cycles
= $195 monthly.
Monday Late Start: $11.65 daily x 171 student days = $361.15 for the school year / 9 billing cycles
= $40 monthly.
Financial Assistance
XLT does offer a ten percent (10%) discount for each additional child per family.
XLT provides tuition assistance if your child qualifies for free or reduced lunches. If your family receives free or reduced lunch services through the school please contact the XLT office manager at 417-724-6190. XLT offers a twenty five percent (25%) discount for reduced lunch services, and a fifty percent (50%) discount for free lunch services.
XLT provides tuition assistance to families with children who are foster/adopted. XLT provides a fifty percent (50%) tuition discount to children who are foster/adopted through the state of Missouri. Please contact the XLT office to provide your official state documentation to qualify for this service.
Tuition discounts cannot be combined. Therefore, if you qualify for more than one discount, the higher of the two will be applied to your tuition. For example, if you have two students who qualify for free lunch benefits, you will have the 50% off discount applied to your account in place of the 10% sibling discount.
Tuition discounts are not applied to Monday Late Start, SDOs, camps, or summer school.
Billing Policies and Procedures
- Statements will be released by the 25th of each month.
- Tuition is due for the full month on the 1st of each month.
- Tuition may be paid through SchoolPay for credit/debit, and ACH payments. Alternatively, tuition may be paid by check, cash, or money order (make payable to Nixa Public Schools.)
- Payments are accepted at the XLT/Eagle Care office below the gym in the Faught Administration Center. Please mail to 301 S. Main Street, Nixa, Mo 65714. A drop box is also located on the back side of the Faught building in front of the Technology Center.
- Tuition payments are not accepted at XLT building sites.
- All account balances that are not paid in full by 11:59pm on the 5th of each month, a late fee in the amount of $30 will be applied.
- If payment is not made in full by 2:30pm on the 10th of the month, care for your child(ren) will be suspended. Parents will receive notification that the account is delinquent, and an opportunity will be given to pay the account balance. If a payment is made after 2:30pm on the 10th, the payment will be processed the next business day. Students may not attend Eagle Care until parents receive a confirmation from the XLT Billing Department.
- If you are a Nixa Public Schools employee with a delinquent balance, payroll deduction can be an option to recover the delinquent balance. Please contact the XLT Office Manager at 417-724-6190 before this option is considered.
- Tuition payments are due regardless if your child attends each day or not. Credits will not be given for missed days.
- We do not prorate for mid-month start dates or schedule changes. Notice should be given by the 25th of the current month for changes to be applied in that month. All changes made after the 25th of the month will go into effect on the last day of the next month.
- When a NSF check is returned to the district, the following process will take place to collect on the check.
- All procedures to collect on NSF checks will be done at the Faught Administration Center Business Office and all payments for an NSF check are to be made at the Business Office.
- The Business Office will send a letter to collect the amount of the check plus an insufficient check fee.
- Payment must be made in the form of a money order or cash and the money order must be made out to Nixa Public Schools.
- If payment has not been received by the Business Office within 30 days of notification, the check will be sent to the prosecuting attorney for collection.
- If a person has written three (3) insufficient checks in one school year, they will be required to pay cash only.
Check In and Out Procedures
Check in / Out Procedure
It is mandatory that you, or someone approved on your child’s enrollment form, bring your child in the building and sign your child in and or out each day. This is a State Licensing requirement, plus it provides us a chance to share with you any information you may need regarding your child or the program.
Important information such as School Day Off, program changes, or policy changes are made available at this time through postings on the website, Facebook, newsletters, email, or flyers.
Your child may not be dropped off before 6:30am per State Licensing. A child can only be released to the persons listed on the enrollment form. People who do not regularly pick up your child will be asked to show a picture ID.
Only individuals sixteen (16) years of age or older may pick up a child from the program. If your child is in tutoring or any other situation that requires them to leave XLT and return, you will need to complete the “Permission to Leave” XLT form. In the event your child will be absent from XLT or when you are notifying the office or building site of an alternate person picking up your child, you will be asked to provide the last four digits of your social security number. This is to ensure the safety of your child. Under no circumstances will XLT allow a child to walk home without an authorized individual.
Children not picked up by 6:30pm
Children must be picked up by 6:30pm. The school’s clock will serve as the official clock. If a child is not picked up by 6:30pm, you will be charged a late pick up fee of five dollars ($5.00) per child for the first 1-10 minutes, and one dollar ($1.00) per child per minute thereafter. Payment must be made to the XLT office within five working days to the infraction on your account will be suspended.
There will be no exceptions or warnings. If you are late for any reason (Flat tire, work-related issues, miscommunication between parents, etc), a charge will be issues. A “No exceptions” policy makes it easier for us to apply the late policy to everyone consistently and fairly. We do not want any parent to receive special treatment or favors whereas other parents may not.
A form indicating the child’s name and at what time the parent arrived has been developed with the policy clearly stated. The parent and site supervisor or assistant will sign this form for documentation of the infraction.
After all attempts to contact parents and emergency contacts have failed, a child who is not picked up by 7:00pm will be considered abandoned. The Nixa Police Department and Child Protective Services will then be called.
Custody Issues
In cases where the child is the subject of a court order (e.g., custody order, family plan restraining order, or protection from abuse order), XLT must be provided with a certified copy of the most recent order and all amendments. The orders of the court will be strictly followed unless the custodial parent(s) request a more liberal variation of the order in writing and it is approved by the court.
In the absence of a court order, XLT cannot limit the access of one parent (or guardian) by the request of the other parent (or guardian), regardless of the reason.
Parent/Guardian Visitation
Parents/guardians are always welcome to visit the program at any time. We would love to have you come and share your job skills or hobbies with us. Please check with your site supervisor for a date if you wish to share your skills/hobbies with XLT.
We encourage communication with our XLT staff at all times. However, if there is a situation you feel must be discussed with the site supervisor, please make an appointment with them. This allows them to specifically address your situation and not take away learning time from the other children.
Reporting Child Abuse
Under the Child Protective Services Act, mandated reporters are required to report any suspicion of abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities. The staff of XLT is considered mandated reporters by law. The staff of XLT is not required to discuss their suspicions with parents prior to reporting the matter to the appropriate authorities, nor are they required to investigate the cause of any suspicious marks, behavior or condition prior to making a report. Under the Act, mandated reporters can be held criminally responsible if they fail to report suspected abuse or neglect. We at XLT take the responsibility very seriously and will make all warranted reports to the appropriate authorities. The child Protective Services Act is designed to protect the welfare and best interests of all children.
As mandated reporters, the staff of XLT cannot be held liable for reports made to Child Protective Services that are determined to be unfounded, provided the report was made in good faith.
Within XLT, confidential and sensitive information will only be shared with XLT staff on a “need to know” basis in order to most appropriately and safely care for your child. Confidential and sensitive information about staff, other parents, and /or children will not be shared with parents, as XLT strives to protect everyone’s right of privacy. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, phone numbers, disability information, behavior, and health information.
Outside of XLT, confidential and sensitive information about a child will only be shared when the parent of the child has given express written consent, except where otherwise provided for by law. Staff may consult with school administrators and teachers at your child’s school regarding your child’s development or behavior. Staff may also discuss your child if making a report of child abuse as a mandated reporter (see section entitled Reporting of Child Abuse) or if requested by the Department of Health and Senior Services section for Child Care Regulations, Social Services or local authorities for an investigation or inspection. You may observe children at XLT who are disabled or who exhibit behavior that may appear inappropriate. You may be curious or concerned about the other child. Our confidential policy protects every child’s privacy. Staff are strictly prohibited from discussing anything about another child with you.
XLT follows Missouri Child Care Licensing requirements in the design of our after school snacks. Menus are posted for review by parents. XLT requests that parents send healthy lunches and snacks on School Days Off (half and full day) unless otherwise notifies. We will do our best to provide adequate storage for lunches.
XLT, SDO’s and Camps are peanut and tree nut free. Please avoid bringing foods that contain the following:
- Nut butters (almond, cashew, peanut, hazelnut)
- Nut pastes (nougat)
- Nut oils
- Peanut flour
- Nut extracts
A treat may be sent for a special occasion if you wish; however, we would prefer that you send health snacks. All snacks provided must be prepackaged. Please see the site supervisor for ideas.
Personal Property
Cell Phones
Ill Children
Children who are suspected of having a contagious illness shall not be accepted into care. If a child becomes ill while in the school age childcare program, parents/guardians are requested to come for their child at once. The ill child having a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above, or visible symptoms of an illness such as a rash, vomiting, diarrhea, pink eye, or head lice, shall be isolated from the other children and will be monitored by a staff person until the parent/guardian arrives. Your child must be symptom free for at least 24 hours without the aid of Tylenol/Motrin before returning to XLT.
If a parent fails to pick up a sick child in a timely manner, the child will be considered abandoned. The Nixa Police Department and Child Protective services will then be called.
All sick policies are subject to change to reflect/coincide with Nixa Public Schools District Policy.
A child may not receive medication of any type from the XLT program unless medication is absolutely necessary. If this is the case, we require parents/guardians to please follow these procedures:
- Complete a School Age Child Care medication Form, advising the site director of the amount and frequency of dosage.
- The medication must be in the original container with the pharmacist’s label marked with the prescription name, date, child’s name, and physician’s name.
- At the end of the medication period, parents should take home any unused medication.
- XLT can only accept instructions concerning medication directly from the child’s parent/guardian. We cannot access medication that is provided to the school Nurse’s office, you will need to provide separate medications for XLT.
What we can and cannot do:
- We can administer some oral medications, including over the counter medications. We must have the Permission to Administer Medication Form signed by the doctor and/or parent to administer any medication.
- All medications must be in their original containers and labeled with the child’s full name.
- We can administer medication/treatments that require one-time training by a licensed medical personnel, family members, or healthcare providers such as Emergency Epi pen Allery Kit.
- We cannot administer medications and treatments such as: injected medications, gastric tube feedings, catheterization, blood collection for glucose monitoring.
Special Care Plans
XLT is dedicated to serving all children and families needing our services, provided that they can effectively operate within the regular staff to child ratio of 1:16. If your child has special needs as defined by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, you may be asked to complete a Special Needs Plan (19 CSR 30-62. 132). This form (included at the end of this parent handbook) will allow us to better serve the needs of your child. Parents may wish to provide their child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) to the XLT staff. XLT will try to accommodate the children’s needs as best as we can.
If your child has an IEP for behavior or non-academic special needs, XLT is required by State Licensing that you have a qualified professional complete a Special Needs Form for your child. This form will enable XLLT to create a more successful environment for your child. It is required that we have this on file, as well as ac copy of the IEP before he/she begins attending the program.
As this is a licensing requirement, your child may not attend XLT until the IEP, Special Needs Form, and/or any Medication forms are returned to the XLT site supervisor.
Unfortunately, there are times our programs cannot meet the needs of all children. In this case, we will be glad to offer suggestions or resources for appropriate care through other programs. You may call Child Care Resource and Referral at 1-800-200-9017. If you feel that your child needs one-on-one assistance per a special need or disability when attending XLT, please contact Nixa Public Schools Special Services Department at 417-724-6260.
Special Needs/Allergies
Throughout the course of the day, children will get occasional bumps, cuts, and scrapes associated with active play. Every effort will be made to document and notify parents of these minor accidents. We will cleanse cuts and scrapes with warm water and apply a Band-Aid. We cannot apply a salve, any ointments, or creams. Nixa Public Schools’ XLT is not responsible for any personal injury incurred while the children are at the childcare program. Parents are encouraged to enroll in insurance to cover accidents.
XLT views “G” and selected “PG” movies. If you have any concerns regarding movie viewing, please discuss this issue with your site supervisor. We are licensed through the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation to exhibit movies.
Staff Training and Professional Development
All staff will be required to attend 12 hours of professional growth each year. This will include four hours of CPR/First Aid. Staff will be assessed continuously for training topics.
Behavior Guidance
XLT makes every effort to ensure the safety of all children. Inappropriate behavior will be handled in accordance with School Board Policies JGA, the Missouri Safe Schools Act, and Missouri State Licensing rules and regulations. This program complies with all federal, state, and local laws that prohibit corporal punishment or abuse in childcare settings. Staff are prohibited from using unproductive or shaming methods of punishment. Our program believes that parents and staff must be collaborate to manage persistent behavioral issues and help our students become successful.
There is a zero-tolerance policy for the following types of misconduct that will result in immediate suspension or dismissal from XLT:
- Possession, transmission, and/or use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.
- Disrespect or insubordination
- The use of improper language
- Fighting or physical aggression (hitting, kicking, biting)
- Inappropriate display of affection
- Leaving assigned XLT boundaries without permission
- Vandalizing, damaging, or stealing school or private property
- Threatening, intimidating, or causing bodily harm to any person
- Weapons (as described in the Missouri Safe Schools Act) – Students who bring a weapon to school will be expelled for a period of one year. The superintendent of schools may modify this expulsion on a case-by-case basis. The minimum punishment shall be a parent conference and the maximum punishment shall be one-year expulsion.
- Sexual harassment – complaints shall be forwarded to the Program Coordinator for investigation. A substantiated charge against a student shall subject that student to disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion. False accusations will result in the same disciplinary action applicable to the one found guilty of sexual harassment.
At no time is it acceptable behavior for students to be physical, threaten others, or verbally abuse staff or other children. Per Missouri State Licensing guidelines, “children shall not be permitted to intimidate or harm others, harm themselves, or destroy property.”
A non-compliant, physically or verbally aggressive student will be removed and suspended immediately from XLT to ensure the safety of all other participants, families, and staff.
If a parent fails to pick up the child in a timely manner, the child will be considered abandoned. The Nixa Police Department and Child Protective Services will then be called.
XLT will approach inappropriate behaviors as follows:
- Verbal warning/Redirection
- Behavior write-up. Phone call home.
- If behavior continues, the students will be sent home for the remainder of the day. A suspension could be issued to the student.
- A behavior plan will be developed with parent/guardian and student.
- Failure to comply or violating terms of the behavior plan will be the cause for dismissal of the student from XLT.
The timeline of any suspension issued to a student with a problem behavior in XLT will be determined by the XLT Site Supervisor with the support of the Assistant to the Program Coordinator and/or XLT Program Coordinator. Suspension from XLT includes all programs operated by XLT including School Day Outs and all Camps.
Parents, guardians, and or drop-off/pick-up individuals are also expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner when addressing or interacting with XLT staff. If a parent, guardian, and/or drop-off/pick-up individual is aggressive, violent, yells, screams, makes inappropriate comments, makes inappropriate advances, or ever threatens XLT staff, their student will be dismissed from the program. A School Resource Officer or the Nixa Police Department will be contacted by XLT to make an incident report.
There is no reimbursement of tuition in either a student, or parent, guardian, and/or drop-off/pick-up individual behavior situations.
In order to promote a safe learning environment for all students, the Nixa Public Schools prohibits all forms of bullying. The district also prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports an act or bullying among or against students. If an act of bullying is reported within XLT, the Program Coordinator will perform an investigation, consult with building Principals, and report to the appropriate Administrator. Bullying is prohibited in XLT and will result in suspension or dismissal form the program.
Outdoor Weather Safety
Outside play gives children an opportunity to run off excess energy generated during the regular school day. However, precautions need to be taken to ensure a safe and enjoyable play period.
Children will have 30-60 minutes of outside exercise/play on days where the temperature is 25 degrees Fahrenheit or above.
- Children will go outside when the outside temperature is 25 degrees Fahrenheit or above. (Wind chill will be taken into consideration.)
- Over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, students will remain indoors. (Heat Index will be taken into consideration).
- Tornado drills are conducted on a monthly basis, both AM and PM students.
- At the first indication of lightning or severe weather, staff will bring children indoors. The XLT Program Coordinator monitors the weather during these conditions.
Please ask the site supervisor for evacuation procedures and routes.
If parents request their children be excused from participating outdoors, a doctor’s note must be on file.
Program Changes
School Days Off & XLT Camps
School Days Off is the program offered by XLT when Nixa Public Schools are not in session during the school year. It does not operate when the schools are closed due to weather (i.e. snow days) or for late start/early release days.
School Days Off and XLT Camps are separate programs operated by XLT. Registration and payments are separate from your XLT registration and tuition payments. Free/Reduced lunch discounts and foster/adopt funding is not available for Summer school, SDO’s and Camps.
Refunds: Due to staffing requirements and pre-payment for field trip costs, SDO’s and Camps are non-refundable. Refunds/credits will not be given for missed days. All cancellations must be made in email or writing at least 1 week prior to the registration closing date for each event.
Registration for all scheduled SDO”s and Camps will be available a month prior to the event. SDOs will be held at High Pointe Elementary unless otherwise stated.
School Day Off Rates: $35.00 per child per day
XLT Camp Rates: $175.00 per child per week
Scheduled School Days Off and Camps for 2024-2025
SDO Dates:
PLC Day: 9/23/2024
PLC Day: 10/18/2024
PLC Day: 10/25/2024
PLC Day: 11/5/2024
Thanksgiving Break: 11/25/2024 - 11/27/2024
PLC Day: 1/6/2025
MLK Day: 1/20/2025
Spring Break Camp: 3/17/2025 - 3/21/2025
PLC Day: 3/24/2025
Easter Break: 4/18/2025
In-Between Camp: 5/27/2025 - 5/30/2025
Camp Eagle
Camp Eagle registration will open April 1st and remain open until June 1st or until all spots are filled. Spots are limited and offered on a first-come first-serve basis. Registration is per week, this means you do not have to attend all 7 weeks of camp if you do not choose to do so. See Camp Eagle dates below.
Billing for Camp Eagle will be weekly. You will be billed for each week of camp the Monday before. Tuition for that week must be paid by 12pm (noon) the Thursday before. If tuition is not paid your student will not be allowed to attend camp the following week. For example: If you are registered for week 3, (July 14th-July 18th) you will be billed for it on July 7th. Payment must be made no later than 12pm (noon) on July 10th.
There is a cancellation fee of $35 per student per week of camp. Cancellations must be made at least 1 week prior to the week you are registered for. Cancellations without a week's notice will be required to pay the full week's tuition. For example: If you are registered for week 3, (July 14th-July 18th) you would need to cancel by no later than July 7th.
If there is an outstanding balance on your account your students will not be able to attend XLT for the school year.
There will be no refunds for missed days if your student does not attend camp.
Camp Eagle Dates:
Week 1: 6/30/2025-7/3/2025 (Closed 7/4/2025)
Week 2: 7/7/2025-7/11/2025
Week 3: 7/14/2025-7/18/2025
Week 4: 7/21/2025-7/25/2025
Week 5: 7/28/2025-8/1/2025
Week 6: 8/4/2025-8/8/2025
Week 7: 8/11/2025-8/14/2025 (Closed 8/15/2025)
School Days Off and Camps are subject to change due to enrollment, weather, and changes in the Nixa Public Schools Calendar.
Inclement Weather
Snow Day:
XLT is closed. No care available.
Early Release:
We will not operate PM XLT when an early release has been called. In the event of school being dismissed early, the call will go out as soon as the decision has been made so that you have as much time to plan as possible. You will need to make arrangements to pick up your child as soon as possible.
Late Start:
XLT will not operate AM XLT when a late start has been called. Per the District Policy ,”In an attempt to provide a service to those who wish to drop of their child(ren) at school on their way to work in the morning of a late-start day, the building principal will have someone near the front door to welcome your child(ren) to school beginning at 8:30am (grades K-4).
Social Media
Nixa Public Schools and Eagle Care try our best to communicate with our parents as quickly and efficiently as possible. Most information is available on our website at www.nixaxlt.net. We also use the Seesaw App to communicate with parents and share pictures of your child with you. Please see your Lead Teacher regarding Seesaw information.
Nixa Public Schools XLT is licensed through the State of Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. As a licensed program, we agree to comply with the Missouri State Statue Section 210.201-259, RSMo, and Department of Health and Senior Services Licensing Rules for Child Care Centers.
Licensing Numbers and Capacities:
Century Elementary #002232882 – 99 boys and girls, ages 5 through 13 years
Espy Elementary #002232891 – 60 boys and girls, ages 5 through 13 years
High Pointe Elementary #002232926 – 99 boys and girls, ages 5 through 13 years
Mathews Elementary #002232873 – 99 boys and girls, ages 5 through 13 years
John Thomas Elementary #002232828 – 80 boys and girls, ages 5 through 13 years
Summit Intermediate #002419323 – 60 boys and girls, ages 10-13 years
Our licenses are effective on a year to year basis. Parents can be notified of new licensing dates as they occur.
Please direct all inquiries about this license to:
Bureau of Child Care
P.O Box 777
Springfield, MO 65801
(417) 895 – 6543
A copy of the Licensing Handbook is available at the XLT office, each XLT building site, and online at: www.dhss.mo.gov/childcare/.
XLT/Eagle Care Contact Information and Program Location
XLT Office
XLT/Eagle Care Office Manager
Phone: 417-724-6190
Address: 301 S Main Street. Nixa, Mo 65714
XLT/Eagle Care Program Coordinator
Phone: 417-724-6191
Address: 301 S Main Street. Nixa, Mo 65714
XLT/Eagle Care Assistant to the Program Coordinator
Phone: 417-724-6192
Address: 301 S Main Street. Nixa, Mo 65714
XLT Sites:
Century Elementary
Phone: 417-655-5023
Address: 732 E North St. Nixa, Mo 65714
Espy Elementary
Phone: 417-655-5824
Address: 220 S. Gregg Rd. Nixa, Mo 65714
High Pointe Elementary
Phone: 417-655-5825
Address: 900 N. Cheyenne Rd. Nixa, Mo 65714
John Thomas Elementary
Phone: 417-655-5827
Address: 312 N. Market St. Nixa, Mo 65714
Mathews Elementary
Phone: 417-655-5826
Address 650 S. Gregg Rd. Nixa, Mo 65714
Summit Intermediate
Phone: 417-689-4147
Address: 890 N. Cheyenne Rd. Nixa, Mo 65714