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XLT Before and Afterschool Program

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XLT Before and Afterschool Program


XLT is the Nixa Public Schools Before and Afterschool child care program for Kindergarten through 6th grade students. We provide a safe and loving enviornment that promotes positive social interactions, community building, and student choice and exploration through our "XLT Squads". XLT is a state licensed program in which we implement all state guidelines, policies, and procedures for after school programming.   

XLT tuition rates are subject to change in order to support the employee minimum wage increase and program needs.

Hours of Operation:
XLT is available Monday through Friday when school is in session.  
The hours of operation are from 6:30 a.m. to the beginning of school and after school until 6:30 p.m. XLT will not be in session on snow days, mornings of late start days, or afternoons of early release days.

  • K-4th grade students are enrolled at XLT at the elementary school they attend. Summit 4th grade students attend XLT at High Pointe. Transportation is provided each day for these students.
  • K-4th grade JTSD students have the option to attend XLT at JTSD or at their home school. Transportation is provided by the Bus Barn and must be arranged by the parent. Please contact the Bus Barn at 724-1555.
  • All 5th and 6th grade students (this includes JTSD 5th and 6th grade students) will go to Summit Intermediate. If you have a special circumstance, please contact your XLT Site Supervisor.


*Please note, XLT DOES NOT PRORATE. We encourage families to start care at the beginning of the month if possible. The tuitions below DO NOT include SDOs or XLT Camp fees. XLT SDOs and XLT Camps are registered and paid for separately.

XLT Tuition Rates 2024-2025 School Year


  • AM Full-Time ONLY: $195 a month 
  • PM Full-Time ONLY: $290 a month 
  • AM & PM Full-Time: $390 a month
  • Monday Late Start ONLY: $40 a month 

XLT Discounts


In order to service more families in our community, XLT now offers discounts for Free or Reduced Lunch students. Please note that this discount applies to XLT Before and Afterschool Program ONLY. Excludes Monday Late Start, Camps, SDOs, Summer School, and Eagle Care.

Free Lunch = 50% off your tuition 

Reduced Lunch = 25% off your tuition


Free and Reduce Meal Information: Click here for Reduce Meal Information


Foster/Adopt Families: XLT DOES offer care for Foster/Adopt families.


XLT also provides a Sibling Discount for families. Please contact our XLT Office @ 417-724-6190 for more information.

XLT Sites and Phone Numbers

High Pointe XLT Information:

High Pointe XLT Address is 900 N. Cheyenne Road Nixa, MO 65714

High Pointe XLT Site Cell Phone is 417-655-5825


Century XLT Information:

Century XLT Address is 732 North Street Nixa, MO 65714

Century XLT Site Cell Phone is 417-655-5023


John Thomas School of Discovery (JTSD) XLT Information:

JTSD XLT Address is 312 N. Market Street Nixa, MO 65714

JTSD XLT Site Cell Phone is 417-655-5827


Mathews XLT Information:

Mathews XLT Address is 605 S. Gregg Road Nixa, MO 65714

Mathews XLT Site Cell Phone is 417-655-5826


Espy XLT Information:

Espy XLT Address is 220 S. Gregg Road Nixa, MO 65714

Espy XLT Site Cell Phone is 417-655-5824


Summit XLT Information:

Summit XLT Address is 890 N. Cheyeene Road Nixa, MO 65714

Summit XLT Site Cell Phones is 417-689-4147