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Immunization Requirements

Immunization Requirements: Preschool, Day Care, Kindergarten, 8th Grade, & 12th Grade

All 8th-grade students are required to have a Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine prior to starting their 8th-grade year.

All 12th-grade students are required to have their 2nd Meningococcal vaccine before starting their senior year.

Written documentation of these vaccines per MO requirements should be provided to the school nurse prior to the first day of school.

CLICK HERE 2023-2024 Missouri School Immunization Requirements

Requisitos de Vacunación para las Escuelas de Missouri 2023-2024 (SPANISH)

Нажмите здесь, чтобы ознакомиться с требованиями Миссури по иммунизации на 2023-2024 гг. (Russian)


CLICK HERE 2023 Missouri Child Care and Preschool Immunization Requirements

Requisitos de Vacunacion para Preescolar y Cuidado de Ninos de Missouri 2023  (Spanish)

Щелкните здесь, чтобы ознакомиться с требованиями к дошкольной иммунизации штата Миссури на 2023–2024 гг. (Russian)