Student misconduct
Excessive noise
Excessive tardiness at bus stop
Destruction of bus property
Use of profane language/gestures
Head/arms out of the bus window
Improper boarding/improper departing
Refusing to obey driver’s instructions
Spitting/littering/spraying (aerosol/pump)
Throwing objects out bus window/throwing objects inside bus
Rude/discourteous & annoying conduct
Does not stay seated/not seated properly
Eating/drinking (non-alcohol beverages) on bus
Riding another bus unauthorized
Nuisance items/ or any item that has sharp or exposed edges
1st bus referral conference with principal
2nd bus referral conference with principal/notify parent
3rd bus referral one-day suspension
4th bus referral three-day suspension
5th bus referral ten-day suspension and conference with parent, principal, driver, transportation director. (parent conference may reduce suspension)...
6th bus referral removal from bus for 30 days
7th bus referral removal from bus permanently
Severe Student Misconduct
Possibility law enforcement notified
Pending an investigation: bus riding privileges may be permanently & immediately suspended:
Physical assault/fighting
Possession of drug/alcohol/ tobacco
Gang conduct or activity
Sexual misconduct/sexual harassment
Weapons/knifes/guns/ any object being used to commit unsafe act
1st bus referral five-day suspension/parent conference
2nd bus referral ten-day suspension/parent conference
3rd bus referral removal from bus permanently