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Gifted Education (ALERT)

Nixa Public Schools Gifted Program: ALERT

The Nixa Public Schools Gifted Program, ALERT (Active Learning Experiences in Research and Thinking), serves academically gifted students kindergarten through 12th grade who possess extraordinary abilities to think creatively and critically.

The goals of the program is to identify academically gifted students and provide a multi-tiered system of support that addresses the academic and social emotional needs of gifted learners.  The Nixa Public Schools Gifted Program will

  • provide a learning environment that will develop critical thinking, creativity, and reasoning abilities, as well as decision making, and communication skills. 
  • provide opportunities for gifted students to become more independent and self-directed learners.
  • provide opportunities for gifted learners to participate in challenging learning experiences that are not included in the regular classroom curriculum.
  • address the social emotional needs of gifted learners by providing opportunities for growth as well as recognizing and responding to the strengths and needs of themselves and others. 
  • provide opportunities for gifted students to collaborate and challenge other students with similar skills and talents.

If you have questions about the Nixa Public Schools Gifted Program, please contact Dr. Paula Macy at or 417-724-6617.


Gifted Coordinator/Junior High and High School

Dr. Paula Macy  417-724-6617


Phone: 417-724-6617

K-2nd Grade 

Rebecca Mason


3rd-4th Grade

Josie Gregory


5th-6th Grade

Erin Neal



Mission and Vision Statements

Mission Statement

The mission of the Nixa Public Schools Gifted Program is to provide a learning community that maximizes the potential of gifted students with unique cognitive, social, and emotional needs through highly challenging curriculum and specialized instruction that enable students to contribute to the demands of an ever-changing society.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to be an exemplary gifted program, to advocate for, to inspire, and meet the needs of all students in the Nixa Public Schools Gifted Program.


Referral Process

Teachers, parents, and other interested people who are in a position to observe the daily behavior of children and would like to refer a child to the gifted program are asked to complete a checklist designed to identify children who display characteristics common to gifted students.

Screening for ALERT takes place twice a year and is as follows.

Kindergarten, 5th, and 6th grades are screened in the fall beginning in October.

1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades are screened in the winter/spring beginning in February.

*Any kindergarten, 5th or 6th grade student not screened in fall may be referred during this time as well. 

If you would like to make a referral or have questions about the referral process, please email or call 417-724-6617.


Instructional Delivery

The district provides the following services for students in gifted program:

Kindergarten - One full day per week in a gifted resource room, beginning second semester

Grades 1-6 - One full day per week in a gifted resource room

Grades 7-8 - Meets with gifted certified teacher at least once a week during Advisory, participates in online discussions and activities throughout the week, pull out ½ day per quarter

Grades 9 - 12 - Gifted Resource Model

In a Gifted Resource Room, students are encouraged to reach their full potential as both students and members of society by participating in units that target the following areas:

  • Cognitive education - academic units that allow students to explore topics not covered in the regular curriculum while enhancing and expanding students’ mastery of specific grade level expectations

  • Affective education - self-knowledge and life skills

  • Critical and creative thinking skills - often involving application of these skills to content knowledge gained in academic units

  • Problem solving - mathematical, spatial, practical, social

  • Communication skills - oral and written

The Gifted Resource Teacher (GRT) model avoids conflicts with other classes students wish to take. In the GRT model, the certified teacher of gifted education works with students in a resource capacity on a highly flexible schedule that does not require any minimum contact minutes per week.  However, the district must allow a minimum of 150 minutes of the GRT’s instructional time per week to be spent exclusively with identified gifted students, grades 9-12.