Volunteers In Public Schools
Program Purpose
The Nixa V.I.P.S. (Volunteers In Public Schools) are citizens who are sincerely interested in assisting staff and students enrolled in the Nixa school system. Their willingness to serve and commitment to education are greatly appreciated. The Nixa V.I.P.S. program operates under the approval of the Nixa School Board of Education and the school administration. All volunteers working on an uncompensated regular basis need to adhere to the Nixa Board of Education Policies and Administrative Rules and Regulations.
Per district policy GBEBC: The district will conduct a criminal background check for each volunteer who has regular and frequent contact with students; unsupervised or one-on-one contact with students; or serves in a supervisory role, and the superintendent may also require a search of the FBI's criminal history files.
V.I.P.S. (Volunteers In Public Schools) Handbook
To review the VIPS Handbook, CLICK HERE.
Visitor versus Screened Volunteer
Thinking about becoming a screened volunteer for Nixa Public Schools. Please review the examples below which will help you determine if your services would be defined as a school visitor or a screened volunteer and allow you to decide if you would like to continue through the process and commitment of becoming a screened volunteer.
*Examples of services for a visitor include:
Visiting with a student during a classroom party
Eating lunch with a student
Attending an assembly
Dropping off a jacket, backpack or other item to the student in a classroom
Care to learn - packing food bags
Accompanying a student on a field trip, NOT Chaperoning
Work in the office, library, or at the bookfair while overseen by staff without access to confidential student information
Screened Volunteer Responsibilities and Commitment
*Examples of services for a screened volunteer include:
PTA committee - assisting at PTA activities
Work in the office, library, or at the bookfair while unsupervised by staff, including access to student information
Coach or supervise student activities before or after school
Assist with athletic activities or band
Supervise / chaperone Field Trips
Attend overnight trips
Field Trip specific
When trying to determine visitor ( accompaniment) vs. supervisor (chaperone) in regards to volunteering.
Visitor / Accompaniment:
If a parent would just like to accompany their own child on a field trip they are not required to be screened. They must be made aware that they cannot be alone with any other students during the trip. These parents are visitors and NOT required to go through screening.
Supervisor / Chaperone:
If a parent would like to work in a supervisory role while on a field trip with their child/child’s class they are required to go through the screening process. They will then be eligible to be left alone with students or accompany students away from the supervision of the teacher.
The school volunteer will…
Complete application and background check process prior to volunteering.
Resubmit a district volunteer application annually.
Resubmit a background check at any time as requested by the district.
Participate in basic orientation. Volunteers should not serve prior to receiving orientation.
Be prompt, dependable, regular in attendance, and in good health.
Notify the teacher as far in advance as possible when the volunteer finds it necessary to be absent or late.
Maintain a high standard of work in a cooperative manner.
Determine with teachers a mutually agreeable time for receiving assignments and specific student needs. Request a brief outline, written or oral, of work to be done each period. If you do not understand the assignment and goal, ask the teacher for clarification.
Encourage the student to do his/her own thinking. Stay on task. Start work at a level where the student can succeed.
Recognize the importance of thorough preparation.
Not grade assignments or tests.
Respect confidentiality expectations unless disclosure is required by law. The relationship between the school volunteer and the school staff is a professional one of mutual respect and confidence. Volunteers will observe the confidential nature of this relationship. At no time will there be criticism or discussion of either the professional staff, the volunteers, or of the pupils with persons unassociated with the program.
Be responsible for learning and observing the regulations of the school where assigned, including wearing a designated nametag, observing the sign-in procedure, fire drill and accident reporting procedures, lunch and coffee privileges, and pupil restroom and drink privilege.
Know the telephone numbers of the office of the school where assigned.
Ascertain where supplies are kept.
Avoid asking a student to do anything that might be physically dangerous, i.e., open or close a window, step on a chair to reach something.
Not serve as substitute teachers during the absence of teachers.
Feel free to discuss with the principal or the V.I.P.S. Coordinator any change that the volunteer would prefer in building assignment, grade, or activity.
Make suggestions for improvement of the program to the V.I.P.S. Coordinator who will channel them for necessary action to the administrative staff. At all times, a conscientious effort shall be made to keep the line of communication open.
Accept no gratuities or gifts of significance from teachers or pupils. Volunteers shall refrain from soliciting in the school.
Not smoke on school grounds.
Avoid situations where there could be a liability question. If in doubt, ask.
Avoid any discussions with students regarding your personal beliefs (i.e., religious, political, etc.). All discussion with the student must be focused on the school district curriculum.
Becoming An Approved Screened Volunteer
If you are interested in becoming a screened volunteer, please discuss this with your building principal or office manager.